Well we got the engine all tore down again and i need two need pistons due to the trash from the metal shavings destroying cyl 3 and 4s skirts

So i got that all taken car of ordered two new pistons. Ill get picture of them tomorrow.
Also got a new 01 z24 spoiler for only $20 and got rid of my gay 95-99

and i found a trashed police car in the yard yesterday. but i dont know if the badge will be staying.
Well PHOTOBUCKET is being Gay so i guess ill have to post the rest later.
I like the 00+ z spoiler soo much better than the 95-99. Looks good. And too bad they never made a cop car cavi haha
Sucks about your motor btw. Glad you got everything taken care of.
PS: I hate your tails lol...but thats just my opinion.
its ok the tails have to go yes they are gay i know. lol
ugh ur gay... why not just keep ur other update post going?
hahahaha, jk man. love the new spoiler, did it bolt right up where the other POS 95-99 Z spoiler did? god man, DITCH THOSE GAY TAILS ALREADY!, you've a welder, you know how to glass. shave the inners and be done with the biizzzzatch
that freakn badge is staying. thats mint.
ohhhhhhhh MJ ohhhhhhhhhhhh *chips*
Edited 1 time(s). Last edited Tuesday, June 19, 2007 9:06 PM
Paul, check your inbox.
Remember....syringes go in the RED waste basket.