Hey everyone I was wondering if anyone has ever seen this car in a yard anywhere? I had made the front bumper one day I was off at the shop. It was a friends car and it was written off. But the front was okay i think. . . The car was spun out and the rear smoked a telephone pole but I was told the front was still good.
I always really like the bumper and it was one of a kind with the lip and the flares.
Anyone ever seen it?
the wave on the bottom is bad....might look good if it was a nicely rounded lip. I don't hate the idea...I just don't like the quality of that particular one

Wicked work dude, Iv seen this car in person and it looked very professional.
Nick what's up?
the wave on the bottom was fixed and the lip on the bottom matched the curve of the bumper, slight point in the centre. Those were the only pics of the car before it was wrecked. in those pics the bumper isn't even fully mounted on the car lol. Just all that i had to post
Hey Dev, didn't know you were on here. Not much just finish up school,
e-mail me Lafave69@hotmail.com
do it again then

i was just re-looking the images and it does look better painted and fixed
even in the first pic where its painted it wasnt finished, still wasnt straightened yet that wave is still there lol
not feeling that bumper. the 2000-05 LS Sport bumpers with lip are as good as its going to get..... You can't really add anything to them to make them look better. Its different, and looks like a Buddy Club2 with a Blitz love child.