I picked up another Sunfire GT, a little newer than mine, this one is a black '99 but it has 500,000kms on it, the engine has a nasty bottom end knock, and the tranny (5spd) is pretty much shot. Also the car had a water leak, so the floors in the back are pretty soft, so I am not keeping the car, I am stripping it down for spare parts for mine. Its been a fun project so far, just picking away at it when I have time, unfortunately I didn't have the camera with me when I started but remembered it this time, so thought I would post a few pics of the progress (and fun) I have been having pulling this thing completely apart. Also somehow got dragged into having some fun with a sledge on the garden wall while I was at my parents, great way to spend the Canada day holiday..lol

After removing all 300 million screws in the dash

out she comes

This next one has nothing to do with the car, but thought I would throw it up anyway!
looks like a good time, lol.....what all do you have planned for it?
wow, i did that same project over the last week. dash work always takes forever lol
sledgehammers are fun, i dont care who you are, they are fun

1989 Turbo Trans Am #82, 2007 Cobalt SS G85
Plans for the car, well the car itself will be gone, but all removable objects in and on the car I am saving as spare parts for my 97 as the floor/engine/tranny are in better shape in that one. I have more pics to put up shortly, as of today, fenders, bumpers, lights and carpet is out. And yes Rodimus Prime sledge hammers are fun, but that wall sucks as it has granite fill in it
he's burying the parts......... lol
01' Z24 5 speed
T4 Turbocharged
Built LD9
HP Tuners
how much u get that car for?
I got the car for $500 cad, keeping in mind its not drivable, (tranny shot) still not a bad deal tho
James Fletcher wrote:I got the car for $500 cad, keeping in mind its not drivable, (tranny shot) still not a bad deal tho 
yea, $500 is a good deal considering how much individual parts cost new (an even pulled from cars at the wrecker)
maybe im missing something, but that car looks pretty decent, why not put in a good tranny and drive it?
z yaaaa wrote:maybe im missing something, but that car looks pretty decent, why not put in a good tranny and drive it?
i would assume from the soft floors in the rear due to the water leak he mentioned. he doesn't have pics though, so i'll just take his word for it, but i can totally understand why you would think that from just looking at the pics. it does look in pretty good shape minus the drivetrain and rear floors.
btw, good find with that. hope you get all you want out of it.
The floors are not as bad as I first thought before the carpet came out.... but it badly needs an engine rebuild and tranny, plus it sat for 9 months before I got it, so calipers and brakes are shot, and the rear struts leak like crazy, windshield is cracked, so for what it would cost to put it through a safety to put it on the road would be more than I want to put into it when my car is already running and driving good, so it made more sense (to me anyway) to just use it as a parts car for the good car.