Lets see, been busy on the weekends the past 3 weeks. Started with Ohio chillin with OG Nick and Drop Top Paul. Hit up Thurmans (Go there if you like awsome HUGE burgers) in Columbus then an autox with the Ohio Valley Region. Hot day, a co-driver (Paul) and 6 runs each on a fast course resulted in this...
See what happens when you let DTP drive??!?!!

That made for some vibes on the highway on the way back to OGs, so on Pauls suggestion, I borrowed a pair of wheels and tires from him. So I rolled around like this for a week...
215/35/18s FTL. No way in hell those would stay on there. So I talk to Chad (cadwz24) about some rims. Rims with a dual lug pattern. I made the arangements with Mitch (mwisz) to bring them out to me last weekend. 2 weren't painted yet, so Jon (Airtonics) and Mitch slaved over hot rims to prep them, where I only had to lay down the paint. They weren't done in time for Midnight madness at the local drag strip, so we just left em to dry. Midnight Madness wasn't too kind, Mitch had trans troubles, Jon and I were struggling to find speed. Did manage to get this run on tape tho...
14.0 @ 99 against a Rustang
Got Mitch on his way with a new trans Sunday, and I mounted the other 2 rims. Looks something like this now...
Not the best pic, some better ones should come later in the week. Anyways, the dual pattern comment above is important. It means I could finaly swap the N-body brakes, hubs, spindles and arms. The 99+ N-bodys have the 5x114.3 bolt pattern if your wondering. Anyways, start with this:
And this:
And end up with this:
For more contrast, a side by side with the 15" drag radials on it:
From the bit I've driven, its the best mod ever! Well, maybe not, but its at least 10x better than it used to be on the brakes, and thats with the cheapest semi metalic pads I could find. Pedal is higher, probably cause the pads are new, initial bite is great compared to what I used to have and they should take more heat than the old setup. If not, I have already found that the W body rotors I have will fit on there just fine with minor modification to the caliper cage. Of course I could just make an adaptor mount for willwood calipers if I'm gonna do that

. The other upside to this swap is you drop 8 pounds of unsprung mass from each corner and 16 from the whole car. Doesn't sound like much, but every little bit helps, specialy for unsprung mass.
So anyways, thats it for now, till I get around to doing new beauty shots later on this week.

13.934 @ 97.82
those rims are sexy. I can't wait to see some better pics of them.
Wow those look really good. J-bom FTW
i take it that the autox was the one a couple weekends ago? cuz i did not see you there yesterday, figures you would go to the one i didn't go to.
letting DTP near your car was your first mistake

My car may run 18s, but I can do your taxes in 10 seconds flat.
JBO lube - they would never have enough in stock and we'd never see RodimusPrime again
Brakes and rims look awesome bud! You have been wanting to put those brakes on for a long time!!! I smell a TSM win now!!!
And Thurman's burgers FTW!!! They are bigger than I am!!

Go Go OG Traction!!
wait...so NOOOOOOW you put better brakes on. Coulda used those as I went diving through the first couple corners wondering where the rest of the brake was!
brakes are AWESOME, I'm sold on the swap now for sure, just a matter of time....and....which car? lol
wheels look great, but its an adjustment on your car
looking forward to the bash
how exactly are the bigger brakes lighter then the stockers?? and 16lbs at that!!!!
nice anyways...
95-99 ftw!
He used aluminum control arms. And the knuckles are lighter as well...I do believe.

Go Go OG Traction!!
Good stuff Brandon!
- 93 mph in the 1/8 mile
Member of J-Body Of Michigan.
z yaaaa wrote:how exactly are the bigger brakes lighter then the stockers?? and 16lbs at that!!!!
nice anyways...
95-99 ftw!
The spindles/hubs/outter CVs on the Nbody are just over 4 lbs lighter each side. The Nbody aluminum calipers are just over 4 lbs lighter each side. The aluminum Nbody control arm is about a pound lighter each side. The Nbody rotor is just over a pound heavier each side. 4+4+1-1= 8x2 = 16
Quiklilcav wrote:Did you put in the N-body aluminum arms with the swap? I see one laying there on the ground.
If so, did you shorten it the 1/2 so the suspension geometry was correct?
I didn't shorten the control arms up since I One: Didin't wanna mess with it and Two: the Nbody spindle appears to have the lower ball joint hole pushed out a little more than the Jbody spindle does. That negates some of the offset between control arm lenghts. Once on the car, yes, it looks like the bottoms of the wheels stick out a little further, and there is more camber, but its something I can live with. The camber can be adjusted if need be.
On a side note, it also looks like the hubs were raised up on the Nbody spindle. The car looks lower up front than it used to be and there is more space from the outer CV to where the control arm is. A nice side effect of using everything off the GA I suppose. I could raise the front coilovers a few turns to get some travel back and acutaly keep the arms at a greater downward angle vs. the Jbody setup. About all I need now is a slightly more agressive pad when I get some extra play money. Ill have to check out what GA's have avalible to them. Thanks for the comments and I hope to have some better beauty shots tomarow.

13.934 @ 97.82