doin an engine swap on the z today. the original engine has about 140k on it, and it shows it! so i decided to replace it with topsubs old engine
it's only got a couple thousand miles on the full rebuild, so i should see some improvements. but any ways here are some random pic that don't really mean any thing
but oh' well. ftw!
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here's my gehtto ass home made cai! MISTAKE!!!!!!!!!!! LONG STORY!!!!!!!!!
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not done yet, ill finish up tomarrow and post up the final product. and later when i get my little blue bottle

ill put up some time sheets and maybe some dyno #'s
if i can find a shop close by with a dyno.
you know i never really realized how damn dirty my car was underneath till i looked at the empty engine bay. ill be hookin up the pressyre washer tomarrow!
yes man, get that bay all shined uo!
was that a ported head i saw??? lookd like it.. idk....
whats the build list...??? or just a stocker?
yeah its a stocker....kinda.
motor mounts
venom fuel rail
mustang injectors
21/4" exhaust, side exit w/ turn down, no muff or silencer, cat likley getting punched out tomarow
rsm intake manifold ($50 from wfo95ga)
58mm custom bored tb (40 bucks, @!#$ rsm. $400, hahaha)
ive got an h.o. pully and an a/c delete but no belt to go with it so its gonna wait
i think thats all??
but the old engine is getting bored and stroked with an 086 head, pnp, over size valves,w41 cams, balanced crank, eagle rods, forged pistons
ya know all the usual
ill soon be putt an 80 or 100 shot on this engine, prolly going 125 on the next if i can get the timing to adjust for it.
ill put up the install pics tommarow
hey zyaaa i just read your mod list. does the 95 intake cam have the cam pick up sensor on it? i was always under the impression that only 2.4s had that and the only way you could swap cams was to get the cam sync simulator from msd?
cam sensor pick up! dam its late
Damn might want to blast and paint that subframe or before long the bottom of your car will fall out.
its not rust man its just caked on dirt and its getting pressure washed off today
smokeyoa$$ wrote:hey zyaaa i just read your mod list. does the 95 intake cam have the cam pick up sensor on it? i was always under the impression that only 2.4s had that and the only way you could swap cams was to get the cam sync simulator from msd?
the 95 2.3 quad 4 was a transition motor, only made in 95, it was basically a 2.4 with a tad bit of the 2.3 stuff, but basically the same as the 2.4. the intake cam was just a little bit bigger than a stock 2.4's, you can swap the 95 cam right in without any modification whatsoever. it has the cam sensor and the power steering hex drive exactly the same as a 2.4 intake cam.
its the lower half of the 'secret cam swap'
alright thanx man! ill be doing that swap soon.
Eyelids on the hood look pretty cool
Nice work
yowsa, like night and day!
good job
thnx. its the same hood everyone told topsub would look like @!#$ about a year ago. sad thing is he likes it better on my car than on his
great job! motor bay looks a ton better. how she run?