my J looks like poop , im never gonna trust my friends again with body work on my car
i picked up this junker trunk lid at a yard , it looks like trash , what should i do ?
help me guys id appreciate it
grind it all off and redo it. pretty much the only thing you can do. you were trying to shave the lock im guessing?
yea it didnt work out really well , what type of grinder or grit should i use , 20? 60?
use a "pistol grip" grinder, actually any grinder would really work. use a 60 grit to get it off.
alrigght also theres a lil dip in the top of the lid , and i hate filler
^ why do you hate filler?
Filler is used to fill in any low dips and such to help smooth the body out.
The trunk lid doesn't look like it needs a lot of work to be honest.
Id go over the whole trunk and block it down with 80 grit and then 120 grit. Are you painting it yourself or bringing it to a shop? Why not just bring it to the shop and have them finish it off for you then?
How was the key lock shaved to begin with?
^^ya but its prolly just stuffed with filler
grind it out, weld in a small plate, then fill
sand that biotch down real good, and spray bomb it satin black, get some inner tails and call it a day til u can afford to have it painted.
if the black n red look doesnt suit you, you can get some paint to match your car's color, but it wont look the best.
well vince its the sanding to be honest lol
thanks guys , can you guys notice the interiorfrom the trunk
jay goodman wrote:well vince its the sanding to be honest lol
thanks guys , can you guys notice the interiorfrom the trunk
get a nice block to sand with....a good 3M one is only $10
that helps a hell of alot with sanding....dont hand sand!
you got it joey thanks

sand that biotch down real good, and spray bomb it satin black, get some inner tails and call it a day til u can afford to have it painted.
if the black n red look doesnt suit you, you can get some paint to match your car's color, but it wont look the best.
i odered black tail lights i plan on to paint the car cobalt probably next year but who knows