i really like the spoiler
looks hot.
drums need to be painted black.
needs some cleanin'/paintin' here and there, but other wise its looking nice!
those rims to me don't fit the car? anyone else with me on this one?
WI-Jtuners member
I like it a lot. The flat black in the engine bay looks really nice.
fix dem der holes and itll look nice
How does an engine bay get that dirty? Other than that, I love the whole thing.
RKSport carbon fibre trunk bezal is a must purchase.. or else.. I wont like your car.. lol
That is one hell of a blue though, really shines up nice. Good job.
Lookin good bud. You should really bring that thing out every now and then. BTW, who painted the chevrolet silver for you, it looks good.
4 Cams...32 Valves...5 Liters...This Could Get Fun!
Lookin good bud. You should really bring that thing out every now and then. BTW, who painted the chevrolet silver for you, it looks good.
lol.....hmmm.....Thanks . You know i don't have my phone anymore, havnt had it for quiet a while now, so sorry if uv been tryn to call. I actually stopped out at ur house bout a month ago but u werent home.I should b gettn another phone soon though.
O yeah.....Carbon fiber bezel is on the way
Thanks for the input so far................
what spoiler is that? i dont believe ive ever seen it before...
z yaaaa wrote:what spoiler is that? i dont believe ive ever seen it before...
Razzi Downforce 2...Nice Seth, it about time you posted some pics with new spoiler

.....And the rims look way better in person....
looks pretty good. id lose the vynal though on the headlights
I love the rear of your car. the c/f bezel will look even sexier! i like
Friday night = cruise night, Sunday is hooter till 8 then beef-a-roo till about 11 or so.
4 Cams...32 Valves...5 Liters...This Could Get Fun!
looks good! just a little tip though dont park so close the the parking blocks! hhaha JK man
yea......lol.....that parking block thing is really what happened, it wasnt me though.............seriously
Friday night = cruise night, Sunday is hooter till 8 then beef-a-roo till about 11 or so.
If ur talkn bout this weekend then im sorry i cant make it. I work 4pm-4am fri,sat, and sun . Its that crazy 2-2-3 schedual @!#$. I REALLY do wanna roll , but its hard to find time. I will though, soon.
Looks good so far...like a few have said a few things here and there.
CF trunk bezel will look great on there and the spoiler is sweet...I like that!
Ditch the vinyl on the headlights and clean the rest of that engine bay!! Flat black looks great on there but the rest is killing it!!
Rims do look small or the tires...I have a friend here in Germany with the same rims (17s) and they look a little small on his too. Maybe it's the kit as he has the same kit too...
Eh...old man with a Corvette now...it was bound to happen sooner rather than later right?
That engine bay needs washed in the worst kind of way. Also I would treat those rear drums to the same flat black kind of lovin you did to the engine. You need dual exhaust if you get a body kit with dual exhaust cutouts. Otherwise it just does not look right.

No seth, that's every week. Get a hold of me if you want to go. Email or pm. Oh yeah, and the person who victimized that front bumper was me, I had it on the car for about 3 days, pulled into friday's and got a little too close to the parking block. The kit was on my car at the time. I was totally pissed.
4 Cams...32 Valves...5 Liters...This Could Get Fun!
So I see you went back to the razzi kit. I bought your original front bumper from you when I have my cavfire and now its on my 04 cavy. The car is lookin really good and will look a ton better with the bezel.