,...eh, lets roast some marshmellows like pimp my ride lol

can u burn my leg please!
WI-Jtuners member
Eh...old man with a Corvette now...it was bound to happen sooner rather than later right?
bad ass. thats some insane revage
any updates about going boost? are you still?
btw, i wanna hump your car
Then when he goes boost he can get a sticker. "If you can read this. i am sorry I burnt your bumper" LOL
but i dont think anyone would be getting close enough to read it when he goes boost
Nice, what's the limit set at?
- Paul
cavalierkid02 wrote:any updates about going boost? are you still?
btw, i wanna hump your car
absolutely. just not in time for the bash.
I'm waiting on my forged crank and rods, then all I need to do is buy some pistons and get the block sleeved and assembled. after that, I move onto the turbo setup itself... I'm taking my time with it I don't want to rush to boost the car for the bash and end up giving skwirl a bad name. we all know rushing = compromise in quality
and ty =D the skwirl is a horny bitch, so I'm sure she wouldn't mind a humping.
I have a good feeling if u gain a good amount of top end from the msd u might hit 13s..... need to run it man I wanna know if u can do it.
oh yea u need to come back up to milwaukee for more then 2 nights man.... it would be a blast again

07 Cobalt SS/SC
238hp 200tq