This is the first time ina long time i decided to put some pictures on here i got rid of two cavy's and a sunfire andi keep goin back and im keeping this one.... its goin to be well worth all the work i put in it... im also thinking about getting rid of my 79 Yamaha radian bike to finish this car... so heres the short story sory for the bad pics taken with my phone...
They Day i picked up the car from Joe. ~Notallthere~

not dogging joe at all but took a while to sand it down alot to get where i like the contour of the car and add another layer of filler to get it smoother...

The start of the final stage before primer till i get the rest of the car finished..

During this time i also decided to take off the side skrits casue again not my style the way he put it on there...Now we decided to jack it up and go to town putting them back on the car and realized there to far gone... so now i need sides and front for drift kit... so if anyone has anything hit me up...

During this process i decided NO WING NO INNER TAILS... and im guessing when you get to be a little older from doin body work a lot of your life time you decide to need ear protection... this is one of my best friends worked with him at my old job and is probably one of the best people i meet to do body work...

also selling this carbon fiber wings any takers shoot me an offer..

So again this isnt meaning to talk bad about joe great guy awsome running car.... Im also looking for some blue metalic paint and a few other things im hoping to be getting the spal kit from tabs so i can shave the doors... comments and critisim welcome... sorry cant spell
I look forward to seeing more pics of this car when it is finished.

lookin good man. keep it up and post pics when you are done!
ill buy that wing for $20 bucks.....but like the progress keep it up
Looks great! thumbs up on the shaved trunk lid. Love that look!
no im not giving the wing up for 20 dollars and thanks for the comments everyone..
joe? you mean jared? lol. that ram air is my old one lol. i remember primering that thing and then before it ever made ti on my car jared came and picked it up lol
yeah jared sorry ha ha....