holy poop!
sorry my home doesnt like you guys
holy mother of.....!!!!
looks like a lot of insurance companies throughout the US and canada will get some claims from that!
those poor j bodies

david, i feel for ya man.
btw, that's dtp's mirror, and trd cavs roof and skilz headlight.
(tabs) wrote:holy mother of.....!!!!
looks like a lot of insurance companies throughout the US and canada will get some claims from that!
x2 damn thats alot of rain.
And J body owners every where are going to wonder why there insurance rates suddenly went up....
Yeah it was horrible, those pictures don't even give justice to the mayhem that was going on here

Seems to only two or three cars with real damage though.

Proud member of Jbody of Kentucky ... Click on sig to go!
TRD POST: car is 50% chance totaled
a lot more people were taking pictures so i really hope they post them up here. we only just fully got power back a little while ago and idk what's goin on in the rest of the hotel. i'm chillin with a couple cobalt guys and possibly goin out later. i didn't see some of the other damage, but apparently cavattack's car got some damage to the paint too.
Wow..... looks like it might be slightly a good thing that I decided that I wasnt going to be able to make the Hotel tonight, and rather am going to show up bright and early on Saturday.
That storm came right through here and wasnt anywhere near as powerful.
another update: TRD's toyota mirror is cracked
ya that was definetly some crazy @!#$!!

simple minds talk about other people.
average minds talk about events.
great minds discuss ideas
so what hit the sedan? and pauls mirror?
i guess i'm glad i was here in florida...but it sux that i couldnt attend
A huge branch bounced off of the white cav you can see in part of the one pic and landed on the sedan, we watched it from our room. I'm guessing pauls mirror got hit by a flying branch or a shingle
damn! i just left there right before that happened. good thing i did. ill be back up there in the morning. hope everything is ok.
glad everyone is ok, with minor damage...

Portage, MI
is that car a widebody or is it just the pic?
sucks to see all the damage done but at least none of you were hurt when you were outside

is this shopped? the squiggly line makes the car seem like its squiggly too