My entertaining Bash weekend - pics and desciptions - Photos & Media Forum

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My entertaining Bash weekend - pics and desciptions
Sunday, July 29, 2007 8:01 PM
Well wednesday I worked 9 am to 8 pm and then came home and packed and left, I went to my grandpas for the night (border of IL/IN cause it shaves ALOT of time not having to through Chicago rush hour) So thursday mourning me, my girlfriend, and Vince Morris got up went out to breakfast with my grandpa and then headed out for the bash. We got there about 3-3:30ish. The only other J in the lot was Dave. We checked in got settled in, found Dave and went out to Walmart then to Buffalo wild wings for some dinner. When we came back to the hotel the drinking started. My goal was to be drink IN the pool by 6 pm.... it got slightly delayed but a bottle of vodka and a couple hours later I was drunk in the pool Thursday night was preaty much just a parking lot party, got to meet alot of new people and put some faces to screen names. I had a blast.

I was real drunk so most of the pics I atempted to take didn't come out except for this one....

Mr. Andy Brooks's Exesive fire looking all sexy in the dark.

Next mourning we got up got some of the free breakfast, I had some crazzy mourning after drinking @!#$s and broke our rooms toliet LOL seriously I had to go to the desk and have them send someone to fix it. But anyways, had to food stayed in bed hung over for a while and decieded @!#$ it, let go see the Simpsons, me the wife, vince, and Dave started to walk out to the car and we started getting yelled out out the 3rd floor window by one of the Iowa guys we met the night before.... 5 minuets later we were all on the way tot he movie (Which was @!#$in AWSOME). We got back from Simpsons and found out having the show at the track was cancelled due to heavy rains the night before so people started setting up in the lot for the car show. We sat out there for while got to hot and hoped in the hotel pool with some of JBOM, anyways onto some of the show pics...

I NEVER expected this to happen but participant voting = the Gay Tan Cav winning 3rd place in the 3rd Gen Street class LOL

The car show was cut short when a microburst form hell decieded to destroy everything leaving the roof of the hotel and the near by tree line raining down ontop of our cars, here just a couple pics I took.

There were alot of people who ended up taking damage, I got hit by a shingle scratching the drivers door along the top edge, making some pretay deep scratches into a big section of the passeneger side of the windshield, the windshield trim , passenger mirror, fender, and the hood all took some damage, the windshield got it the worst but the rest isn't bad it just covers alot of surface area on a few different panels.... money to finish the GTC project

That night again it was back outside in the lot drinking and stuff once night came, I didn't stay out real late, I hit the bed not long after midnight.

Friday we got up and went out to the track. we got there and it was delayed do to rain so me the wife, vince and Phewes went out to the local @!#$ hole serial killer horror movie set that was surpossed to be the restaraunt hahaha so of corse I got a pic there

after lunch we went back to the track and the racing began, first picture I got from the track.....

Andy Brooks broke his @!#$ good, its a good thing the track had there sweet broke ass piece of @!#$ minivan / tow vehicle

luckily that was the only major brake down anyone had this weekend.

The Quick 8 finalists (Speedracer Z with a turbo 2.4 vs. ? with a 3800 supercharged Z in the All out class, and Flying Skwirl vs. Wenzel in the N/A class)

On the way back from the track decieded to have a spontanious highway photoshoot with Phewes, since i was driving I was tell the GF what to do with the cam, she got some good ones although with the seats and harnesses in the GTC she had a hard time moving enough to get my own car out of the pic LOL and its kinda funny, you can see my can in his wheels hahaha.

Once we got back awards were given out and alot of people starting leaving. But last night had to be the most fun, again hanging out with everyone in the lot drinking etc.. I have to say JBOM is a blast when they have been drinking hahah.

The next mourning some people were going out to Cedar Point for the day, I wanted to go but the girlfriend doesn't do roller coasters plus she has to work tommarow AM early, so we hit the road and headed home. I let her play with the camera in the car to keep her happy and I told her I would post up a couple of them hahaha.

of course the ride home was the first legitimate nice day of the weekend....

a random picture out the window on the Chicago Sky Way

Sweet home Chicago

And a picture of the never ending Chicago traffic jam, Sunday about 2:30-3:00 in the afternoon and cruising about 15 mph down the highway. The sad thing is this the usual LOL

Again it was great meeting everyone, the MI guys, the Iowa guys, everyone from out east, the local Ohio guys, etc... I really did have alot of fun, this was only my second bash but despite the weather and everythign ese this was my favorate.

Re: My entertaining Bash weekend - pics and desciptions
Sunday, July 29, 2007 8:12 PM
very nice pics...

it would have been sweet to go down this year to see and meet everyone.

Re: My entertaining Bash weekend - pics and desciptions
Sunday, July 29, 2007 8:13 PM
i was nice meeting u. glad u came and had some fun. o and thanks 4 the cf brake fluid cover!
Re: My entertaining Bash weekend - pics and desciptions
Sunday, July 29, 2007 8:15 PM

btw I had some pics of your car as well, especially the engine bay, but does eveyone else who was there LOL so I only posted up liek 1/4 of my pics so none get offended if your not on there.

Re: My entertaining Bash weekend - pics and desciptions
Sunday, July 29, 2007 8:16 PM
Those are some great pics. Good to see the fun parts of the Bash got coverage too.

Re: My entertaining Bash weekend - pics and desciptions
Sunday, July 29, 2007 8:17 PM
Some really good pics....looks like alot of fun

If your not breaking stuff the you�re not going fast enough
Re: My entertaining Bash weekend - pics and desciptions
Sunday, July 29, 2007 8:20 PM
Darkstars wrote:

btw I had some pics of your car as well, especially the engine bay, but does eveyone else who was there LOL so I only posted up liek 1/4 of my pics so none get offended if your not on there.

thats cool. i dont think i even took but one pic of my own car lol but i need 2 get the few pix i took posted up.
Re: My entertaining Bash weekend - pics and desciptions
Sunday, July 29, 2007 8:22 PM
what happened to the excessive fire? what broke?

awesome pics.........")

Re: My entertaining Bash weekend - pics and desciptions
Sunday, July 29, 2007 8:22 PM
it was a great weekend. I had a wonderful time, despite all the setbacks. It was good to see ya, and congradulations on the trophy!

Last night was a little crazy eh?!! Im still feeling like @!#$.

Go Go OG Traction!!
Re: My entertaining Bash weekend - pics and desciptions
Sunday, July 29, 2007 8:25 PM
Snowman wrote:what happened to the excessive fire? what broke?

awesome pics.........")

paul told me axel and diff.
Re: My entertaining Bash weekend - pics and desciptions
Sunday, July 29, 2007 8:28 PM

Re: My entertaining Bash weekend - pics and desciptions
Sunday, July 29, 2007 8:28 PM
Snowman wrote:what happened to the excessive fire? what broke?

awesome pics.........")

he launhed the car you could see the wheel hop he said before he he could think to let off the car stoped going, he tried a few gear and nothing, pulled over and got towedback to the pits. He had a broken axel as we suspected, I think it was Speedracer??? that had a spare and gave it to him, they swaped the axle and the car still wouldn' move, you can run it threw all 5 gears and reverse with the car running without using the clutch, somethign in the trans had a major failure. DTP's dad came out with a trailor and they got the car back to Andy's house and hurried back to hit up the liquor stores before they stop selling to stand around inthe lot drinking with us

and thanks everyone

Edited 1 time(s). Last edited Sunday, July 29, 2007 8:29 PM

Re: My entertaining Bash weekend - pics and desciptions
Sunday, July 29, 2007 8:29 PM
awesome pics!
it was nice to finally meet you, the wife, and the GTC

next year will be even awesomer

Re: My entertaining Bash weekend - pics and desciptions
Sunday, July 29, 2007 8:34 PM
Wow, great pics.

Re: My entertaining Bash weekend - pics and desciptions
Sunday, July 29, 2007 8:35 PM
very very nice pics and looked like a good time minus the weather, but WOW I must say that even seeing and hangin out with darren I think that I have never seen his car looking that nice, those are some top quality pictures there that show it off very beautiful, tell the gf she is very good at taking pics!!

Re: My entertaining Bash weekend - pics and desciptions
Sunday, July 29, 2007 8:37 PM
those rollin shots are sick!!

Re: My entertaining Bash weekend - pics and desciptions
Sunday, July 29, 2007 8:46 PM
nice pics. you have some gorgeous pics of phewes car on the highway. it was great to finally meet you. i saw the silver cav at the bash in 05, but didn't see you around to say hello so it was nice to see the car AND the driver.

Re: My entertaining Bash weekend - pics and desciptions
Sunday, July 29, 2007 8:51 PM
Those are some great shots!!!

SPD RCR Z - '02 Z24 420whp
SLO GOAT - '04 GTO 305whp
W41 BOI - '78 Buick Opel Isuzu W41 Swap

Re: My entertaining Bash weekend - pics and desciptions
Monday, July 30, 2007 6:17 AM
Good pics man. It was nice to finally meet you.

- 93 mph in the 1/8 mile
Member of J-Body Of Michigan.

Re: My entertaining Bash weekend - pics and desciptions
Monday, July 30, 2007 6:42 AM
aswell good to meet you guys and the gay tan cav maybe you can head to davenport for the JBOI bash, its not to far from chicago

Re: My entertaining Bash weekend - pics and desciptions
Monday, July 30, 2007 6:57 AM
Very sweet pics.

~2014 New Z under the knife, same heart different body~
2012 numbers - 4SPD AUTOMATIC!!
328 HP
306 TQ

Re: My entertaining Bash weekend - pics and desciptions
Monday, July 30, 2007 7:48 AM
all the cars look amazing.

Dan Trump

2004 Cavalier LS Sport - Victory Red
Re: My entertaining Bash weekend - pics and desciptions
Monday, July 30, 2007 7:56 AM
Great hanging out! Awesome pics, love 'em.

Had a great time!

Re: My entertaining Bash weekend - pics and desciptions
Monday, July 30, 2007 8:56 AM
Awesome guy, awesome pics, awesome time!

oh and GTC IDB!

Re: My entertaining Bash weekend - pics and desciptions
Monday, July 30, 2007 9:08 AM
i had a blast this year, great pics, it was a pleasure meeting you man
met some great people
next years bash will have a higher turnout and hopefully not crappy weather

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