Hey guys! I just got back yesterday! (Tuesday) at 4am in the morning!

long story� read below� but I made it home!
I had a BLAST! It was really good meeting a lot of you guys and to put your names to faces and seeing old faces again too! It was SO worth it for all of troubles I had!
SO here is my story! I tried my best to sum it all!
During my 8+ hours trip to the bash with my other friends.
1 � hours later on the trip, I realized that I forgot my birth certificate!! I only had an ID, it wasn�t enough so I had to go back home to get the birth certificate to be able to across the border! When I got there, luckily an UPS guy arrived in the time at my place to deliver a new replacement BlackBerry Curve!

I was so happy, my other same one was crushed while I was in Nova Scotia. Wasnt it a fate?
It rained at the most of the way! We stopped by at Duty Free shop at the border, I had to buy a 24 pack of Molson Canadian Beers, cant forget that!!�also installed my mono wiper. Anyway, we went across the border no problem. The friends and I stopped by in Mansfield for a good night sleep at a cheap, ghetto motel instead of camping out in that rainy night. Also there was some weird young Goth guys at our next door� asking us for some smokes. We all don�t even smoke at all. Later on that night, they were throwing a bunch of ice cubes. Really weird kids� but for $58 a night cant beat that!
In the morning, we went to Mansfield Motor Speedway, that where we thought you all will be at.. but not. So we got lost.. hahaha! So I had to look on here the .org for the host hotel address in my BlackBerry.. I found it! Then tracked it by my friends� GPS Navigator. Honestly I haven�t really arranged anything for the bash but just to show up! My buddy Shawn tried his best. I had no time.. when I got back from NS. Thanks to him and the GPS!
When we arrived at Holiday Inn Express finally� SO THE BASH STARTS for me!
Ill let those pictures do all the talking during the bash. ( I skipped alot of pics that I took.. its too much to post them all on here! )

Love that t-shirt Vince!
For the �Phewes� rescue�.I wanna thank Vince for convincing myself to move my car away from those flying and laying debris! I didn�t even want to move it at all at the first cuz I know my car wont start� long story bah. And thanks to you Vince, PJ, Kevin, Chewy, Perry and others (Sorry I forgot who was involved�) who willed to help to push the car to the safety in about 50+ mph wind and rain which blew my hat off.. we were SOAKED in no time! That shows how we�re there for each other and it sure was fun. Thanks to you all!

and PJ� when should I be expecting a Yellow top from you?
The weather wasn�t the best on that day but we all did make the best out of it! That bought us together and built the bond for sure. But it sucks for some unfortunate ones who had their cars damaged by the storm. I hope the insurance is going to fix them all! Im sure you all will make the best out of those damages!
On Sunday morning, The Track Day! It kinda sucked by waiting all the morning� to start watching the racing. So Darkstars, his wife, Vince and I went out to this really creepy place to grab some meals. Then finally the track opens.. It was fun watching Andy breaking his car at his very first run! I saw the hop.. the 19s sure are heavy!

Also watching PJ the Swirl, Fetter, Wenzel, also SpeedRacerZ ran a 12.7! and others racing too..
On the way back to the hotel for some awards.
When the awards are all over... I asked some guys to join me for a photoshoot. I woulda have asked more of you guys but you weren�t there at the hotel. Oh well anyway we sure enjoyed gathering our cars and took tons of good pictures! We had fun for sure. Ill post them on here later soon..
The Party Starts! We partied all night long till 4 am.. I hope some of you all did enjoy the Canadian Beers!

JBOM guys and some of you sure are fun to party with!
I love ya Clyde! We had so much of laughs on that night! You sure are funny!

I know you didnt remember much of that night. You did kiss that princess frog!!
So on Monday morning.. Me, Vince Morris, Paul (DTP), Ben Wenzel, and Dave. We went to Cedar Point! We had a blast! Went on a new Maverick, Top Thrill Dragster that goes 120mph in 4 seconds! and other rides. And enjoying checking out lots of hot chicks! And those hot asses.. lol. Those pics doesnt do them any justice.
After the Cedar Point... Me and Paul had to look up on Mapquest to find out which highway I should be going up to Canada from Ohio.
Crazy things have happened during my trip back home! Im sure all of you guys know how my tires were like�..bald!! They weren�t bald before the bash! Before the bash I had my 2 spare tires with a good amount of tread life tires putted on the fronts, other old ones I had on were bald too. Alignment sure was off�
Anyway, I guess I was crazy enough to continue my trip back home with how they re like that and it only gets worse! When I was hungry so I stopped to grab some snacks and checked on the tires, they were bad enough! So at a next stop for some gas� I checked on them again. I was like oh man Im gonna stop now! or I�ll do some damage on those rims by blowing them. I could see steel weaves! Lol So I had to call on maintenance guys who works at McDonalds to help me jacking up the car to switch my rears to fronts. One of those guys said �NO!� I had to agree with him� cuz of weight I had in my backseat with all of my stuff. So he called AAA for me to flatbed tow my car over to a local tire shop in Mongart, Buffalo.
Yeah The Dead End! waiting for the flat bed.
While I was at that tire shop.. I waited and waited for about 4 hours for a new set of tires to arrive! plus another 2 to 3 hours for laboring�. It blows but I made the best out of it again.. I randomly met a chick who works at RV World Dealership.

to keep myself busy.. When the car finally got alignment and new tires done. I paid 300 cash for a new set of Toyo Proxes. Not bad.. I will need a new set later anyway, right? So it�s the time to do it. Those tires were 3/32� to the core, so ready to blow if I went little more further!! Anyway the car was ready to start my trip back to Canada again. But later on.. I ended up going out at DuFF�s Buffalo�s famous wings restaurant.. had some wings and beers with that chick and her friends. So I left in the early am.. then got home!
Quite an adventure for me! It was all worth it!
Thank you Paul for making it happen! And lending me a 20 bill I did make a good use out it!
Thanks everyone for a memorable bash! I had fun! And a BIG thanks to Dave for letting me to crash on the floor on two nights in the row. If it weren�t for you� I wouldn�t have stayed there longer!