did you at least sand the paint before bonding the panels on? I would have sanded to metal then bonded the panels.Looks good so far.
do you have A CLUE of what your doing?
Is that kit actually for a Cav.?
Yes i sanded the paint n clear down i only went up about 2inches over from where the widebody met the fender thats all. And yes i have a CLUE, i did the body work on my car b4.
Yea its made for a cavalier, this is the kit:
yea i would have grinded down to bare metal for a better hold. It'll stick just fine like that but just to be sure i would do the rest to the bare metal. Not a big fan of how its shaped so far but looks like good work so far.
Will do, grinded it down with 40grit. Yea gotta start somewhere, it'll shape up with time n hardwork.
NICE! Thats the kit I want to do to. Its designed to be used with the drift kit right?
what did you use to bond it? almost looks like filler. i hope not
Im not sure to tell ya the truth, cause fitment wise so far has sucked lol. but from the looks of it, having the drift kit might make it easier.
NO.......... def not filler. its Urethan Adhesive.
Interesting...I looked at the same kit a good 3 years ago (same picture too). I decided to steer away from it though.
The kit works perfectly with a drift body kit...less custom work would be needed to get it to fit right, but there still will be a good amount of work to say the least.
Since you will be painting the car again, and you have a lot of sanding work to do, I suggest really taking all the paint off and going to bare metal. Who cares if you go beyond the area you are bonding the panels too, you will be prepping the car for paint later on anyways.
keep those pics coming.
AMG kit, I'm assuming.
You are off to a good start. I look forward to the progress pictures.
I hope you do something with the doors, though. One think I've always nitpicked on is how the doors always seem left out of the wide body. A.Dot fixed this by molding the rear quarter wide-body into the actual car's rear 1/4 panel. Big poppa, Queen Z, Bob Mull, and a few others have molded pieces into the door. Which-ever route you choose, please remember the doors.
Thanks Big poppa, ive been following your widebody thread and the amazing work u've been doing, thanks for the advice, ill def be follwing it, and will have more pics up soon.
muffin wrote:AMG kit, I'm assuming.
You are off to a good start. I look forward to the progress pictures.
I hope you do something with the doors, though. One think I've always nitpicked on is how the doors always seem left out of the wide body. A.Dot fixed this by molding the rear quarter wide-body into the actual car's rear 1/4 panel. Big poppa, Queen Z, Bob Mull, and a few others have molded pieces into the door. Which-ever route you choose, please remember the doors. 
To me a real widebody kit is not one unless the doors are left stock. That of course is my 2 pennies, but what I like.
FU Tuning
how was the fiiting.. i was interested about buying this kit
John Higgins wrote:muffin wrote:AMG kit, I'm assuming.
You are off to a good start. I look forward to the progress pictures.
I hope you do something with the doors, though. One think I've always nitpicked on is how the doors always seem left out of the wide body. A.Dot fixed this by molding the rear quarter wide-body into the actual car's rear 1/4 panel. Big poppa, Queen Z, Bob Mull, and a few others have molded pieces into the door. Which-ever route you choose, please remember the doors. 
To me a real widebody kit is not one unless the doors are left stock. That of course is my 2 pennies, but what I like.
although i do like some of the door work ive seen, i think it looks more 'stock' if the doors are left alone.
i didnt realize a kit was made for our cars, i thought everybody just made them. interesting.
Yea im still undecided on the doors. Fitment so far sux.
Jerseycavyz24 wrote:Yea im still undecided on the doors. Fitment so far sux.
welcome to the world of custom

That stuff is going to pop right off because you did really horrible prep work.
THE HATED ONE wrote:Jerseycavyz24 wrote:Yea im still undecided on the doors. Fitment so far sux.
welcome to the world of custom
Very True!
Alexis wrote:That stuff is going to pop right off because you did really horrible prep work.
Yea really? were u here when i did it? didnt think so.
Alexis wrote:That stuff is going to pop right off because you did really horrible prep work.
should read before posting. he said he was going to grind it all off in like the 8th post.
good luck with the widebody. i will be watching for progress.