looks good man. do you have inners on there and they are that dark that i cant see them or what? i like how you all have white cars thats pretty neat.
Car is lookin good Brad.. Gimmie that damn CF radiator cover

Also, paint your mirrors white!!!!!!!!
~2014 New Z under the knife, same heart different body~
2012 numbers - 4SPD
328 HP
306 TQ
I got to say I love that intake manifold. Who makes that. I don't think I've seen that before. I agree you should paint the outside of the mirrors white.
TRD Cav Fire wrote:I got to say I love that intake manifold. Who makes that. I don't think I've seen that before. I agree you should paint the outside of the mirrors white.
i believe that it is the venom intake mani. it looks real good all polished up.
Edited 1 time(s). Last edited Thursday, August 02, 2007 12:19 PM
TRD Cav Fire wrote:I got to say I love that intake manifold. Who makes that. I don't think I've seen that before. I agree you should paint the outside of the mirrors white.
It is a venom intake manifold. Beware if you go to buy one as OBX makes a knock off that is not as good.

I Love the C/F rad Cover!.. The Sonoma is Nice and i love how your Inners Match your C/F, you cant even barely see i!
your car is very clean. My only compaint would be how low your front banner sits. I love the engine bay.
thanks for all the awesome comments guys! i do appreciate them, good or bad.
the mirrors will always stay black, nobody will ever convince me otherwise. not even YOU david
as for the inner tails, they just look darker then the outters because the dark carbon fiber is the background, vs a white background. when you get up close to them they look much better. i hate the way they look though, im going to change things up a bit next year. the CF is for sure going bye bye. i cannot stand how the fitment is, it really bugs the crap out of me.

Only one other person I seen has that CF cover.
Brad cars looking good.
PRND321 Till I DIE
Old Motor: 160whp & 152ft/lbs, 1/4 Mile 15.4 @88.2
M45 + LD9 + 4T40-E, GO GO GO
looks good man, real clean...but how far is your tint strip on the front?? dannng.
looking good, are your hood hinges and prop rod polished? lol
i personally think some2k Toyo tails with border black would look
i'd keep the c/f tho, looks nice, is ur trunk corners just sitting high? or low? or is it something else?
Stephen[manta z wrote:]looking good, are your hood hinges and prop rod polished? lol
i personally think some2k Toyo tails with border black would look
i'd keep the c/f tho, looks nice, is ur trunk corners just sitting high? or low? or is it something else?
hood hindges and prop are chromed. id love to have a set of the 2k toyo tails, and if i decide i dont like what im doing next year i will go with them.
the corners up by the back window like to raise up in the sun/heat. during the night or a cooler day they stay where they're supposed to though. plus the gaps are too big and you can see down into the channel area real bad, and it stands out like a sore thumb. if the car were black it would look a whole lot better because you would'nt have that huge contrast of white/black.
lol-my tint banner/strip is 12" deep, i love it. it makes for a difficult drive though as you have to duct down in order to see to drive, but its worth it IMO, not a whole lot of cars do the banner that deep. id love to have the whole windsheild done, but i really can't see how it would be drivable at night.
LOL at the shaggy seat covers,when are you gonna' ditch the stock shifter?Nice pics Brad,keep it up and when and if you sell that CF lid,hit me up.

15.2@89mph 2.171 60ft. 9.830 1/8 R.I.P. "LULU"
-MD- LD9 wrote:
Only one other person I seen has that CF cover.
Brad cars looking good.
It's VERY rare & hard to find.
Car looks great !
Grumpy McGrumpster(BIGGSZ24) wrote:LOL at the shaggy seat covers,when are you gonna' ditch the stock shifter?Nice pics Brad,keep it up and when and if you sell that CF lid,hit me up.
yes man

ive got ghey shaggy seat covers, but at the very least... there BLACK! lol, they're better then tan any day. leather seats come next year. stock shifter?! lol i love my t-handle. someday when i can find a 95-99 5spd shifter bezel with pw im going to chop the bastard down 2 inches.
i had no idea my cf rad. cover was rare? hell, i didnt even ask for it when i bought it, just ordered the standard one from rk sport, they sent me this one. it was a surprise to see tho, i thought i had gotten one for a different car. but i put in on and fell in love with it. the only other person ive seen that has it is scott (lafngas).
That would make only 3 of us then...
That s10 is SIIIICK....your car looks great though man! Very nice mod's, nothing gawdy, just nice a CLEAN!