i like the whole setup....i'd like to see the stock spoiler back on though....it goes with that rear very well but a very nice clean sedan
Not bad actually those chrome wheels go pretty good with the car and get a 00-02 Z24 spoiler or a brickyard spoiler for it and the car is done on the exterior!

2009 Ford Mustang V6
they dont look too bad on there, not my cup of tea but they do look pretty good.. cars hot BTW!
its not a hamburger, its a @!#$ old lady
i think it looks awesome with the dropped 4 door look. i agree tho you need some kinda spoiler on that baby and your exterior is set!
looks real good man. they are a nice choice
i for one love the fact you ditched the spoiler.
nice lookn car!
those are wheels, not shoes.... and your not funk master flex

I think it would be nice with Shaved Handles n leave like it is!
you guys are ignorant, this is all fake. rims dont come in chrome and in pic 2 you can see the strings holding it up.
looks good!
Looks good but i want to see the front bumper, it looks like something is missing?!
Best Time 15.917 at 86.86MPH
She's hot bro
***Looking for a BLUE 03+ STOCK cavi wing pm me if ya got one you wanna sell***
Im not a fan of chrome, but I like the design of the wheel.
pretty sweet man! Put that stock spoiler back on!
I like it as is but maybe put some Toyo tails on.

15.2@89mph 2.171 60ft. 9.830 1/8 R.I.P. "LULU"
yeah it's missing the grille in the front bumper different thats for sure. Put some mest behind it.

2009 Ford Mustang V6
No spoiler please look perfect the way it is. I don't usually like chrome but your car pulls it off really well.
Paul Tjepkes (N/A MADNESS) wrote:No spoiler please look perfect the way it is. I don't usually like chrome but your car pulls it off really well.
x2....Not a fan of chrome on j-bodys but your looks really good..
I likey , just leave the car the way it is, cause it looks perfect... but some toyo tails would set it off