Here is just a cuople pics... where im at now...
started with

C&C welcome please! thanks for looking
looks real nice ! good job
I dont believe it.......didnt think it was possible...........someone who has the drift rear and it doesnt look like a @!#$ tidal wave all the way across......kudos
Lookin good
lookin really good man. get those doors finished yet? keep it up!
Lexus IS300 inner circle lights would be ideal.. that ass looks so naked.. ha. Very nice fitment with the rear though. Shaved Cavs are sexy.
thanks everyone on the compliments its takena few weeks just on the rear bumper now were working on the sides... the shaved doors the solinoids and everything installed just not shaved yet... and im goin for the most cleanest look i can get ... and for paint i was thinking of leaving it the stock blue thats on there i believe its called Opal metalic Blue... nothing really fancy but will be clean i believe and less coastly for painting... thanks again everyone
Z2FLIP4 wrote:I dont believe it.......didnt think it was possible...........someone who has the drift rear and it doesnt look like a @!#$ tidal wave all the way across......kudos
Lookin good
I was thinking that as well. That being said, how did you do it man? I need mine fixed in a bad way and I was thinking just using a string of L brackets would just make a series of smaller waves.. I'd really like to get it as straight as you got yours. Maybe you could pm me how it went?
it took alot of getting it as close as possible and filling and sanding filling and sanding filling and sanding... very little filler and sanding causei wanted to close the gap between the bumper and trunk and get the back straight as posisble... but on the other hand the side skirtsare being such a pain... there tottally made diffrent so i dont know how good im goin to get the sides but im goin to try like hell... thanks again for all the comments
will have more pictures tomorro of the shaved door progress .... me and my buddy working hard on it... im trying to learn as much as possible hes had alot more experience then me..
Very nice cant wait till if finished. very clean
99z for 2015.. I'm back bitches