It seems to me that everyone that spends their money on body kits end up wanting their stock body kits put back on down the road. What is the reason for this???
because stock seems to be the in thing nowadays. simple and clean is the way people like it.
Thoughts on posting in the correct forum.
So kitted cars aren't clean....?
Simple.....we change our minds like we change our underwear......
So want them for the just like switching things up......
I love the look of some of these body kits, but for the money, paint, labor of putting them on, quality (fiberglass vs plastic), and that fact that it makes the car look like a ricer. It's really not worth it as a daily driver. Perfect for show cars, but why bother spending the money. Put the money towards rims/lower shocks.
Im kepping mine stock because im worried about fittiment i see peoples with huge gaps under the headlights and wavy rear bumpers and it looks horrible. However there are some good fitting kits out there
cause if its a daily driver its alot more pita then its worth..I destroyed mine in a yr lol..mind you it was my first kit..ill put on another just a higher kit thats all..phil
Mike Johnson wrote:I love the look of some of these body kits, but for the money, paint, labor of putting them on, quality (fiberglass vs plastic), and that fact that it makes the car look like a ricer. It's really not worth it as a daily driver. Perfect for show cars, but why bother spending the money. Put the money towards rims/lower shocks.
one of the most retarded comments ive head in along time.
you win
FOR SALE (Eazy716) wrote:Mike Johnson wrote:I love the look of some of these body kits, but for the money, paint, labor of putting them on, quality (fiberglass vs plastic), and that fact that it makes the car look like a ricer. It's really not worth it as a daily driver. Perfect for show cars, but why bother spending the money. Put the money towards rims/lower shocks.
one of the most retarded comments ive head in along time.
you win
Why would it matter if it was a daily driver or not. Some like the clean look some like the modded look. And how does putting a kit on your car make it "rice." Rice is putting a vtech sticker on a J or something along those lines. And why is it better to spend money on rims and shocks? Dumbest commet ever
Proud member of the U.T.C. Baby
How do you figure my comment is retarded? The idea of this thread wasn't to piss off anyone, but to have other views on why a kitted car as a daily driver isn't a stupid choice. I never said I disliked a body kit.
I personally never have been a fan of body kits, unless maybe the Import Fighter with a nice big intercooler behind it

Other than that, im a lip kit guy.
people change... priorities change... finances change.... etc. I had a body kit on my cavalier - loved it. But put one on my SS? - never. It all depends on a lot of things, most of which differ from person to person. So really, there is no concrete answer to this thread.
^^ Good answer.....
To each their own....!!!!!
I like both lips and kitted...however my Lower kitted rimmed J is a daily driver to the tune of 100kms a day......although never
seen winter.....
Personal choice.....I lik'em all.....lowered J's ...kitted J's...Lip J's...Rolled J's..( paper )
Joe Schulte wrote:Thoughts on posting in the correct forum.
anyone else notice this?
5 seconds to find another street...
A lot of people who go out and take the time to kit their cars and do a lot of modification do not realize they are not modifying a car, they are basically initiating themselves into a LIFE STYLE.
You can't drive a kitted and slammed car safely or reliably in winter, so now your baby needs storage. You have to take entrances on a diagonal, speed bumps and potholes induce constant nightmares. The local authorities seem to look twice at you now and you get known as what you drive, not who you are to strangers. Your time is split between everything to do with car, then the rest of your life and you are basically broke 24/7 thanks to the car you love to hate, but hate to not love.
Lifestyle. Some people just can't justify going that far and adjusting their lives to fit their passion, so they shift priorities. Life happens and suddenly fibreglass and 2 inches of ground clearance don't give you such a big hard-on anymore.
I heard this saying, and its stuck with me ever since "With every action, bears with it an equal or greater reaction".
I'm sticking with it. My car will be finished for the next show season. How well I do and how much further I can take my car at that point will make or break my devotion to the scene. From there? Fresh project, do something different.. but always sticking with the lifestyle. I love it too much.
hmmm my car is kitted and it see's winter every year.. This will be the first winter my car wont see snow as much since it'll be going under the knife for motor work. However I never had a problem driving around with a kit on or anything to that sort. Would I go back to stock look yes thats only if I sell my car or if I feel the need to change my cars look again. As far as trying to get into a "life style", modding a car doesnt necessarily mean your trying to get into the "life style". Its your choice whether or not you want to mod your car, not anyone elses. So to me its not a "Life Style" its "Your Style" and dont let anyone tell you different.
took my kit off cause i found it to be unneeded wind resistance and weight that was just slowing me down.... plus I like the clean look now, lol
Best ET to Date: 14.251 @ 98.51 mph. 13's or Bust Baby!
Personal choice.....I lik'em all.....lowered J's ...kitted J's...Lip J's...Rolled J's..( paper )
lol i love it
all i have to say to this thread... "to each his own" your cars for you, and thats all it ever should be for...
sndsgood wrote:this is funny.

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