lookin good. i dig the rims. i think a lip kit would look pretty good on there. keep it up.
Nice start, a lip kit, painted mirrors and door handles would set it off! Good work!
need some side skirts too , maybe IF sides mmm...
looks pretty damn clean. thats not really that bad for night time cell phone pics. Did you ever get the head on?
Thanks for the kind words guys. I was thinking of doing the WW lip kit, I like the way it looks, the RKS one isnt too bad either. but I havent been shopping around for them yet, as money doesnt permit.
Did you ever get the head on?
Heck yes I did. I have a few ticks from the lifters, which Im just going to replace down the road. It has its good days and bad, when its not ticking, its quick as hell, when it is ticking... not so much.
I like it, a better exhaust note, and a few more horses.
Im not sure whats next for the body, Im going to need to do some buffing, and get out a few scratches (well, a shop will have to do that). But Ill be sure to keep everyone up to date.
ALSO -- Anyone have any suggestions on clear corner bulbs? the stockers just arent cutting it (half@$$ white) doesnt look good with the silverstars.
Nice, Thanks carrie. Im gonna look into some new bulbs, Need to replace those... just dont feel like taking it all out again. Not yet
Ill definately be up for a shhot soon.
And thanks for the pics, More than what I was looking for. Time to invest in a set.