im looking for some pictures of anyone that ever molded the last 8 inches or so of the bottom to a stock bumper to get rid of the park bench style look?
it is my bomex rear bumper !!
An American Revolution Rulz
you didnt really read the request i see, he wants to see the bomex rear MOLDED onto the stock bumper so it DOESNT look like a park bench
not a bad looking cav though if i do say
yea thats the main reason i would like to see it done i have the bomex kit for my 02 cavy im pretty good at fiber glassing works getting better everytime i do it. if anyone has a bomex rear laying around that is in bad shape but the bottom section is good i'll take it off your hands to try this
Best thing you can do with a bomex kit....
Chop it up in little pieces and find the closest garbage can.
LOL...yeah RedDjCavy, you def didn't read the request man
that rear is straight up FUUUUUUUGLY!!!!!!!!!!!
It was done on a sunfire if i remember right.. looked good but isnt worth the time imo. look under the exterior forum it was brought up a couple of months ago

F/S 00-02 Type J Bumpers front and rear... LTB: 03 LS Sport Rear and 00-02 Wing West front Lip
just use the 03+ bomex rear it looks somewhat molded in
02 Cavalier sedan ECOTEC N/A being built
04 Malibu ECOTEC S/C planned