Well this was pretty much a very crappy summer for me.
In the winter and spring, I was all ready to get my white Z fully kitted, painted and ready to have fun with for the summer. Well sometimes life throws you a curveball or 2(or 3 or 4 in my case).
I ended up deciding to not do anything to the car and not even drive at all this summer. The car was parked exactly the way it was in the spring. A black passenger door from a Sunfire GT with a yellow handle, a 2000+ Silver fender that I couldnt mount a corner light in. Front lights that worked when they wanted to, a screwed up suspension and a half gutted interior.
Well this past week, I finally decided to license the car, insure it and start driving it again. I decided to forget about the drift kit and make it a clean car that is easily driveable in the winter without switching kits like I was going to. Since I had already sold my Z sides, I decied to put on the fiberglass Import Fighter sides I had and keep the stock Z front and rear. Problem with the side is that they were really badly made, there was nowhere to screw them into the door jams. Bruno so gratefully said that he would help me out. So today I went there and while he played with the sides, I started some of the body work that is desperately needed before it goes to Tom.
So here are a few pics I snapped today.
This is what I started off with today.

I took the front bumper off to work on the fender mount for the corner light, it also gave me more room to work on my headlight harness.

Bruno mixing up some fiberglass.

The bad spot by the gas door.

After it was sanded down, this will definately need some filler before paint.

Threw a coat of primer on it so it wouldnt rust till then.

Then I got started on the trunk. Thank you so much Cody for spray balming a car that you knew was destined for the wreckers, this was after about half an hour of arm breaking sanding!

Getting a little further...

And done...

Threw some primer on the bare spots aswell.

This is the tabs that Bruno made for the sides.

And finally, a little preview of what it will look like, just imagine it all one colour!
Questions and comments welcome. Oh yeah, the front lights all work now
if you want that rust gone perminantly i suggest you cut the entire section off and weld in a plate~
other then that looks good~
yes..looks like you on the way but that rust spot will be back within a few days..you have to cut it out...at the very least sand blast it..phil
this is darren were talking about, he doesn't care how the body is, he only cares about how fast it goes lol, good job darren! keep it up
looks like garbage.
just kidding darren
nice colour!!!!!!!!!111

Blew it up, build numbers coming soon
stop working on that piece of junk and finish the other one!! lol
jk looking good buddy
I am going to try and say this nicely. Why even do it if you are going to half ass it? Do it right or don't do it at all.

Yeah, sorry Darren I was mesmerized by the CSI marathon today and my 'fibreglass skilllllzzz' only include short-hair filler and lots of patience with sand paper right now. Haven't played around with matting yet.
Bruno did a really nice job on those mounting tabs and looks like you got a lot done.
BTW, this is riceboy Rankin with the white/black primer Cav.. yeah, the one the JBO hates
Wade Jarvis wrote:I am going to try and say this nicely. Why even do it if you are going to half ass it? Do it right or don't do it at all.
Who said I was half-assing it? Im taking it to my body guy next week and he will make the decision what to do with it.
You also have to remember, this is my beater, I got the car for free with no motor in it and put stuff that I had lying around in it to make it run.
That being said, I still want it to last me a couple years, so I am gonna do it right so I dont need to do it again.
I will update the pics when more gets done.
gtpsunfire wrote:
Dude, I swear, you can get a durablock for like $10, lol.
Looking good. I'd personally get that rust fixed right with cutting and welding back in, but hey, ur car, lol.
if the rust is not completely thru the metal then it does not need to be cut out. if its surface rust, it can be grinded down. it looks like the majority of it is surface rust, with the exception right above the wheel well, it looks like its going through. that may be the only place you need to add a new piece of metal
I will be giving it more attention today, take the grinder to it, see how bad it is. If it needs a new piece, I will put one on. I will have my welder out to shave the holes in the Sunfire door plus we have a parts car with 2 good quarters to cut up if need be.
looks like you're getting basically the whole car repainted. are you planning to stick with white or change the color? either way, looks good man. best of luck. i'm glad to hear your going to take care of that 1/4 the right way. i was scared at first when you only said it needed filler.
Gonna go white again. I dont wanan bother painting door jams and engine bay and everything. Like I said, just my beater, so too much work for a colour change! lol
Im really considering going spoilerless now, I was looking at it yesterday when I was sanding and the spoiler was off, I really liked it.
Well today was kind of a wash out. I had to put calipers and braided brake lines on Micahs car, get a good 6 hours worth of work On Kyles car, when we finally got to work on mine, we started on shaving the holes in the door. Halfway through, I run out of wire feed on my welder! So I will have to pickmore up tomorrow and we will finish upthe welding tomorrow. Here are a few pics I snapped today.
GT moulding pulled off.

Couple of the holes getting welded in.

Thought this was kinda cool, this is from inside the door
Ohwell, hopefully I will have good updates tomorrow.
sweet buddy.
yeah, that quarter section will need to be cut out by the looks of it.
Keep my posted on the progress.
btw...I got a new sticker for my plates today

Pmpedcavi04 wrote:Lookin good so far..
Sorry for thread jackin.. but did you shave your spoiler? or is your new sig just a ps? either way Drift Kit + spoiler-less FTW

Finished up the doors today, grinded the rear quarter down ,and yup, it was fooked!
So i cut one off the parts car, cut out the piece and welded it in, too darkfor pics right now, but I will try get some tomorrow, but I dont finish work till 9.
Haha go Bruno. Right on man, hope to see some updates soon; no doubt when you're done it should be pretty nice

" To study and not think is a waste. To think and not study is dangerous. "
Why is it, when ever I read your posts..... I can hear your damn Canadian accent in my head???
'02 Z24 420whp
'04 GTO 305whp
W41 BOI -
'78 Buick Opel Isuzu W41 Swap
SpeedRacerZ wrote:NICE!!!
Why is it, when ever I read your posts..... I can hear your damn Canadian accent in my head??? 
Because you love me and secretly wanna be with me!?
PS- Its Canadian and South African!