Im thinking about painting my Fire GT wheels back does enyone have a picture or pictures that they can post up so i can deside if i want to paint them or not. thanks
The Car is white
99z for 2015.. I'm back bitches
This is the best I can do for center and not on the car yet but...
Also, I think the user Lito used to have black gts on his sunfire... he may have some pictures...although his car is black.
^^^ That car looks sick. Thanks Rugidonefor the picture. how did you paint the wheels. What did you use. QuicklilCav --- Yeah thats what i want to do. but i was just goin spray them black for now. i was just goin to tape off the lip then paint them then just take the tape off and leave the lip the stock color. Thanks guys
99z for 2015.. I'm back bitches
good luck with that man and post some pics when your done
Lito wrote:

^That looks like something Batman would drive.
Listening on the black rims.
Has any one done the 00-02 GT rims in black, gun metal or something dark?
>>>For Sale? Clicky!<<<
-----The orginal Mr.Goodwrench on the JBO since 11/99-----

Quiklilcav wrote:Black on black on black on black = sexy.
i see your statement and raise it an OH @!#$ YEAH!
Im will try and Get the wheels done and put back on the car in less then a mounth. im leaving for Wyoming in 21 days so ill try and get them done after i get moved in. How should i paint them? Spray paint and Clear or have them diped?
99z for 2015.. I'm back bitches
i believe this is more recent of lito's the site
anyone want to trade a set of 95-99 Z wheels (painted black) for some sunfire rims?
I love the look of those.....
'02 Z24 420whp
'04 GTO 305whp
W41 BOI -
'78 Buick Opel Isuzu W41 Swap
i love the look of stock wheels but alas i have big brakes and they wont fit

......stupid baers
lol, I feel your pain..... my front has 5x115, while my rear is still 5x100...... but my brakes do work awesome!!!
'02 Z24 420whp
'04 GTO 305whp
W41 BOI -
'78 Buick Opel Isuzu W41 Swap
You should try doing bronze or gold with a lip, I think that would look gorgeous on a white car.

"We Finished our Fight. Your fight begins in 20 days.
Are you ready?" -Bungie
yeah i have been thinking about the bronze with the lip aswell but imnot for sure both styles look good
99z for 2015.. I'm back bitches
Lol yeah it came off a 95 T-bird. Its works great.
99z for 2015.. I'm back bitches
The wheels are done. im uploading the pictures now. i will have them up with in the nxt Hr.
99z for 2015.. I'm back bitches
geez that was quick....
I have an excuse for only having 2 wheels done...i'm waiting for my cousin to spray his car so he can do my wheels at the same time...
Here are some lil Samples. ill take more when i put them on the car. Tell me what ya think
99z for 2015.. I'm back bitches
i agree paint the center cap black. and throw some clear on those bastards