can you say neeeewbee??haha
plase don't come on here askin everyone what to do to your car bud. Its your car, be a big boy and decide what you want your car to look like...if you dont like it you can change it to what you do like.
we'll help w/ problems, give you tips, and even opinions, etc,
but for choices like body kits, hoods, wings(or NON), suspension....go through the site, read up on quality products, what TO DO and what NOT TO DO, 'n you should be JUUUst fine~
best advice i can give ya...dont let someone else build your car for ya...
go w/ YOUR preferences, ideas, etc...its the only way it will be DIFFERENT from all the rest(CREDIT COMES BY PULLIN' IT OFF SO NO ONE ELSE HAS A CAR LIKE IT AND ITS HOTT!!!). What matters the most is that YOU are happy with your car, not everyone else's or it would be there car.
^^^ pretty much best advice ever made on the org. good job lance.
id have to agree with these guys do what you want not what others wnat just what looks best to you, good luck tho man
If i had to decide from the two options and if it were my car
1. Wing West Kit
2. Good luck trying to find the Turbo Sport Kit for 00-02
3. Wow, I didn't even know they produced the Turbo Sport Spoiler...Interesting...thanks
BTW good luck with everything, and like said above, mod your car to your preference.
i dont know if its the angle or what but that wing looks taller than the actual turbo sport as far as what you asked i would agree with what was said above, build it the way you want, it's your car you drive it not us, some people will like what you design some won't...personally either kit is nice, i like the wings west kit better myself
i do agree with the general concensus above BUT i see a fair bit of inconsistency with the whole "oh build it the way you like it, thats all that matters". while i agree with this statement one must understand that when the rookie or beginner modder browses this site and see's people (i'm not saying those who posted here) say things like, "that's the ugliest kit i have ever seen", or "what were you thinking when you choose that mod instead of ..." it makes rookies and noobs (god i hate that word) want to know everyones opinion before they do anything so as to not be ripped apart when they post a picture.
Again not blaming anyone in particular so please no one take my comment negatively, in fact i do agree with everything thats been stated BUT some people make these posts happen by being dicks to others in this forum. Just my two cents but i do go with the rest of you on the idea that you mod according to your tastes.
Also for the creator of this thread, it would be slightly more acceptable (in my eyes at least) to say something along the lines of "which kit is more durable, respectable brand, etc" knowing that you would get generally the same choice from responders as which looks best.
My apologies in advance for what i am sure many will regard as the most useless post on jbo in some time, i am just trying to throw out a semi-explanation to this post.
We all flame on those that don�t search�PERIOD..!!