Well I was not satisfied with my car, so i tore her up again!. Air ride is coming for sure!! I promise that, And I hate how tops on cavaliers look when their down to bulky, so i said f it its a show car, and took it off. So now no top, and the interior is getting molded to the exterior so the whole car is one peice, front bumper will be molded as well.
Now I need advice on how things are shaping up , what you guys think? Subs will be going in the backseat.
And Yes the pictures are really crappy, new camera is on the way, this is the junky one!
ummmmmm add some metal filler to fix the headlight fender area.... thats still my biggest pet peeve about the car.
It's just too far out in left field for me man, sorry.
I just worry too much about having to take something apart to replace things,
and that would probably require tearing into the fiberglass to replace something.
(like the heater core, HVAC actuators, things like that)
MAD Props on the custom work though!

Yes, it's my REAL car. No, it is NOT photoshopped or "this is how my car will look someday". It's the REAL DEAL.
I know I can dig up the thread where I recomended you do this exact thing while you were still doing the original build on this car.
Should look killer, good luck.
sounds like a cool idea since you said it's a show car only, my only thought on it though is would there be a cracking issue with it since the car will be solid and really have no place that it can flex? i'd hate to see you do all that work and have it crack. idk if it would, but it just seems as if you're taking out all the flexibility of the vehicle. either way, good luck with it. i'm sure it'll look great.
oooooh I cant wait to see how thsi tuns out
Your fender isn't lined up with the hood where the left headlight is. The car will look better once you fix it. On the positive side, I do like the spoiler, is it a custom piece altogether or did you take one off another car and mould it in?
i still say you mold the front bumper.
StrippedCav98 (Now Quotable) wrote:i still say you mold the front bumper.
totally agreed. seamless is not seamless with seams
jnickel wrote:StrippedCav98 (Now Quotable) wrote:i still say you mold the front bumper.
totally agreed. seamless is not seamless with seams
Probably why he wrote he was going to mold the front bumper in the original post, huh?
I like the car as is, and I like where you're going with it...
keep us updated..
I'm gonna have to agree with John, I kno my girl's vert flexes like whoa versus my coupe.
I also agree with Excessive - just go for it
just be warned
I would go with a new body kit, that BC2 is killin' it, at least the side skirts.

Mitsu TD06-20g |3" Downpipe w/ Cutout | 61mm Bored TB |
HP Tuners | Innovate WB02 | Spec Stage 3 | TurboTech Upper | Full Addco Sways | Sportlines & Yellows |
......here we go again
just don't understand why someone changes their interior like what..2 or 3 times per season??? When ya do it..DO IT ^ right the first time..save ya tons of work
^ it's about enjoying the work. If you love doing it, then you will change your ideas over and over again keeping up with the changing show scene. I've done 4 drastic changes in 4 years. Each year the car gets re-done...why? because I love working with it, pushing myself to test my skills and abilities. I know Mike is the same way.
Okay Mike. I posted this on the fiberglass forums as well. the "U" shape in the back seat. have 4-5 subs going around the back (setting up a perrimeter). the floor of the backseat should be FLAT. mount your amps so they are "suspended" in the air. I think that will look clean and follow the clean look you have with the car. Keeping it simple will do wonders for the car.
i love it, but sicne you going with the air ride i highly recomend extending your sideskirst to match the hights of the front and rear bumpers since they sit very high. and your going to notice it alot once your car is slamed and it will kill the look of the car alot. but then that it will be killer man go for it.
all show, stock go
in the making
jnickel wrote:StrippedCav98 (Now Quotable) wrote:i still say you mold the front bumper.
totally agreed. seamless is not seamless with seams
and the hood.... THEN it would be "seamless".
it would probably look REALLY SWEET too.... granted it would not be a smart choice
thanks for the comments guys, helps out a lot, i will keep everyone updated. Im pushing the idea of painting the car with chrome paint! I know its expensive but i think it would look amazing!
i like it so far..reminds me of a frog..lol
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04 Cavalier Turbo r.i.p my baby
2nd place 2009 GM tuner bash qwick 8--holla
Mold the hood and front bumper or else it's not seamless.
f the plate where the mirror goes.. cut that out it would look clean..
2-seater J-body. and just put the system behind the seats.
bigger rims with more lip and air ride
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