03-05 FTMFW!!!!!!
4 Cams...32 Valves...5 Liters...This Could Get Fun!
holy @!#$ i love your headlights i never had seen those before, looks like ill need to get with izntrbl and get me a set. sweet pics what kind of camera did you get?
Those gaps under your headlights kill me man

it would be perfect if it was not for that
jsut a simple lil kodak, gotta get a tripod yet otherwise there woulda been like 60 pics, most of them blurred on me damn.
4 Cams...32 Valves...5 Liters...This Could Get Fun!
for as many threads you guys have posted about your cars you might as well make an OFFICIAL skunk and vincent morris thread
wheres that hood at
and if you dont have it, when ya get it?
Pics look good. If you need to borrow my tripod skunk you can.
jnickel wrote:wheres that hood at
and if you dont have it, when ya get it?
It's still on Ryan's silver car. I had a bunch of fines and stuff that I had to pay along w/ the roadtrip to IA, money has gotten kinda tight. Don't worry, at some point it WILL be on the car, I've got a few things planned for the winter that should change the look of the car quite significantly. The body kit is stayin, but new rims, hood, and trunk lid are all planned, along w/ big brakes front and rear. But first and foremost on my list of things to do this winter is build the motor, at least get pistons, rods, and cams.
4 Cams...32 Valves...5 Liters...This Could Get Fun!
Mr. Kleindl wrote:Pics look good. If you need to borrow my tripod skunk you can.
You know I totally fogot about you having one. Otherwise I would have.
4 Cams...32 Valves...5 Liters...This Could Get Fun!
I didn't even realize Vince was in his car...oops.
4 Cams...32 Valves...5 Liters...This Could Get Fun!
very nice sir!!!!95-99 FTFW!!! X 1,000,000

15.2@89mph 2.171 60ft. 9.830 1/8 R.I.P. "LULU"
WOW! Didn't realize how many 03-05 haters there were lol.
4 Cams...32 Valves...5 Liters...This Could Get Fun!
Skunk v.2K4 wrote:WOW! Didn't realize how many 03-05 haters there were lol.
it's not that we hate 03-05s'. it's that we love our 95-99s' more
5 seconds to find another street...
eh..i hated the 03-05 style when they first came out.
dtp and some of my other buds used to call it 'down syndrome'

but if i had to throw mine in...
00-02 FTW! w00t
O lord, here we go w/ the 95-99 vs. 00-02 vs. 03-05 thing. lol
4 Cams...32 Valves...5 Liters...This Could Get Fun!
BAHAHAHAA. what omar said.
I hated my 95-99 style front with a passion.... thus why it no longer exists.
both very very nice cars. love em both!!!!!!

I NEED a 97-99 LD9 engine harness for an auto.PM if u hav info.!!