I found this video of a guys rather powerful subs in his SUV. thought some of you might get a laugh out of it and others might enjoy it. The suggested wattage is unlikely to be true as the writer of the headings usually knows little about the video. but here it is.
Take note of the roof, dash, seats, the guys hair, hell everything lol as it vibrates like crazy.
I also posted in the audio forum but wasn't sure if it should of been posted here.
there is NO way that is only 1700 watts, I think it is a typo
wrong forum btw
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That guy said "it shouldnt be called steelcitysound, it should be called black mans fantasy"
Id like to see him say that @!#$ in front off some actual "black people" in which he has probably never even been around.
I assume you can speak of the tightness of the bolts on that truck in the past tense. :p