Well ive had my car for about 1-2 years now and this is how it sits currently.
c & c welcome
5 seconds to find another street...
Beautiful, looks like a mini Trans Am to me

Great work!
Front and rear black on the bumpers, is that CF or just painted black? Lookin good btw.
~2014 New Z under the knife, same heart different body~
2012 numbers - 4SPD AUTOMATIC!!
328 HP
306 TQ
very nice! those rims look awesome on there. and also, what brand of front bumper is that, where'd u get it and how much was it?
if anybody wants one of those front bumpers, pm me, ive got one for sale brand new.
I liked the stock bumpers better. It does not look like the front bumper lines up with the fender. IMO with such an aggresive looking kit it had better be fast.

anything you suggest me doing by the end of the year? put the stock @!#$ back on anything at all
Thanks again for the love...
5 seconds to find another street...
looks good .. still needs paint though..
if it is painted they didnt do a good job matching thats for sure
its spray paint.... ftw and its black faded into the white... tryed to pulled off a big poppa =D
5 seconds to find another street...
deffinatly need to adjust it to get the fenders lined up and i dont think it will be so noticable (the paint difference) and as far as the black fade... i think a clean straight line will look 100x better. especially since thats how the rear is. im not feelin the fade or the fitment but other than that.. i see potential.
ya the kit does need some work done on it were u see that i need to tighten up the bolt thats connecting the fender to the side of the kit or ither i need to bondo up the lip a little so its sits even
5 seconds to find another street...
i would paint the mesh in the grill silver so it popped out a little more...
Ya I'm thinking about just putting the stuck bumpers back on with all the lights hooked up I think it would look a lot cleaner.
I always wanted the A GM lip kit or B the StreetFire kit and I honestly don't see either of them coming anytime soon
I think I am just spend the day tomorrow and work on it.
I ordered some 10k HIDS the other day I think that it will look a lot nicer, then next week when I get payed I'm going to get a set of white halo 55w fogs.
I think it would come out quite nice.
5 seconds to find another street...
Once you get her lined up and painted, should be dam nice.
2002 Sunfire -->
- Ractive steering wheel
- ASA 17" EM9 + Nexen N5000 215/45/17 (steelies for winter)
- D-Spec Lowering kit @ 1.4" (issues currently

- Rockford P250.1 + MTX MZS1004 + Panasonic CQ-C8313U head unit
- Barely legal tint.