Well for god knows how long, I have had a crap load of suspension parts to put on the Z, but never had anytime to get them installed. Today I FINALLY got a day to work on just my car, so I got to it.
The unsuspecting patient.

And it begins...

Out she comes...

Think this control arm bushing could have been causing my knock?

Old @!#$...

Subframe stripped.

New @!#$, Addco front sway bar, Urethane control arm bushings, new ball joints.

Comparison between the addco bar and stock bar.

New @!#$ installed on subframe.

WTF is going on NOW?

Yummy, urethane tranny mounts

Then this, Upper mount with the RK insert, but welded together, nice and solid - good work Uchi

Dave (Noshun) came by and helped, this is him installing the RK urethane lower mount.

Lower mount installed.

New wheel bearings.

Here u can see the urethane bushings and sway bar installed.

And finally, upgraded the front springs/struts, Koni reds and intrax springs.

I took a quik drive with it tonight, feels amazing, about a million times better than before, as you could probably guess by the crap that came off! lol
I have new tie rods to install, but my front end guy asked me not to, he wants to put them in tomorrow when he does my allignment. Im heading tothe track this weekend, I would like to get a LOW 15 second pass, but we will see.
And before you say it, yes, I need a new CV boot on the drivers side, I couldnt find one intime today, I will replace it in a couple weeks when I do my brakes.
Questions and comments welcome.

i cant wait to get in there and get all my stuff on
Nice! thats lot of work in a day.
Damn, you make me look like a lazy @!#$ on my busy days, hahaha. Nice work man, but I have one question that is bugging the hell out of me, why didn't you use the garage? LOL unless the weather was nice, but as cold as it was down here today I can't imagine very many places in Canada being warm. And damn, how long have you had the Koni Cowboy Killers? (Reds for the non cig smokers and jokers on the forum)
This is exactly what I'm ready to do to my Jbody, maybe not as much @!#$, but I need some new bushings, new struts, and to get my pro-kit on like crazy. It inflicts physical pain seeing these springs sit on my floor. Anyways man, sweet work you've done with this car over the last 3 - 6 weeks, looks like you've saved it from obscurity and made it a heck of a lot better at the same time.
Paint job still rocks ass too.
Edited 1 time(s). Last edited Friday, November 02, 2007 1:30 AM
sweet upgrades FTw
RIP JESSE GERARD.....Youll always be in my thoughts and prayers...
I'm about to have to do the same thing with my subframe on my 01. Ever since I got it it does that also. I just been kinda lazy. I fixed my bushings on the sway bar, but didn't do anything eles. Thanks for the push to do it right.
Thanx alot guys. lets answer in sequence here! lol
KFLO-It was about 5-10 degrees here yesterday, so it wasnt that bad working outside, plus if you saw the garage, you would realize I had no choice! Thanx alot by the way

Jay-The feeling is more than mutual, I love you

TRD-Get off yer ass and get to work! lol
Eternal-Come on up!
Looking good man. Makes me want to get off my ass and install the control arm bushings I have.. and have had for about oh.. let's say.. 8 months!
Haha, anyway.. props on getting sh*t done, like so many of us don't!
I got you beat, I have had these bushings for 5 years!!! lol
I actually bought them for my sunfire! lol
Oh damn! That means I can wait another four years before I do it.. and still be less of a procrastinator than you! Muwahahaha!
gtpsunfire wrote:It was about 5-10 degrees here yesterday, so it wasnt that bad working outside

damn, i dont know whats weirder... the fact that its already that low of a temp up there, or that you acctually think its 'not so bad' to work in!!!!!!!
props on the work!!! i woulda painted the subframe while i had it out... but whatever
Hows the ride with an ALL Urethane set-up?
Nice upgrades, but looks like you may have cut the tubes wrong for the konis unless it is different for the reds.

Mitsu TD06-20g |3" Downpipe w/ Cutout | 61mm Bored TB |
HP Tuners | Innovate WB02 | Spec Stage 3 | TurboTech Upper | Full Addco Sways | Sportlines & Yellows |
Good job on getting all that completed in one day despite the cold. Were you refering to 5-10 degrees C or F? Beings as you are from Canada I would think you were speaking 5-10C. Was your front transmission mount a nightmare? Mine was I had to remove the fender well then take out the three bolts holding the windsheild washer tank out then the long bolt that goes through the tank and mount. I can only imagine what a cluster!@#$ it would be if the bong was still there when I did it. I got rid of that stupid bolt with the metal hanger welded on it that goes on the other side and just used a nut and washer.

Nice setup!!!Now hurry up and make it faster,lol

15.2@89mph 2.171 60ft. 9.830 1/8 R.I.P. "LULU"
Looks great man, much trouble dropping the subframe? I'm suprised you didn't clean it up and paint it while you had it apart. lol
I have the Addco front and rear sway bars - Very sick handling, I have to say - I sprayed by bars red before I installed them. Question though, how come you went with rubber bushings for the sway bar when you were putting urethane on everything else? Do you have the Addco rear sway bar to go on as well and if you do, did you go with a tie bar?
Congrats on the set-up, hands down the best mods you can do, besides it feels 10x better when you do the work yourself.
Proud member of
RamAirSedan wrote:How come you went with rubber bushings for the sway bar when you were putting urathane on everything else?
Those sway bar bushings ARE urathane, Addco just uses black stuff instead of the generally used red color.
very nice....... thats how i plan to do it when i put the sway bar in
z yaaaa wrote:
i woulda painted the subframe while i had it out... but whatever 
dont listen to this guy.... atleast you put your parts on
oh burn, snap, you got pwned, oooooooo.
Edited 1 time(s). Last edited Friday, November 02, 2007 3:07 PM
well i am very impressed with getting all this done at once, the only problem is, now that you have all these changes, you dont know which thing did what to the handling. so trying to trouble shoot, ot tune the suspention later will suck. you will be shooting in the dark. but like i said. i am VERY impressed with you banging all that out at once. your more brave than i am