car looks a lot better since you overhauled it. not digging the rims either. and glad you got rid of the front plate too and kept the filler panel. looks a heck of a lot better. And id like to see what the exhaust looks like now because the set up in the pictures kinda looks out of place. just doesnt look right at all. other than that glad you decided to clean it up and stick with it.
only complaints are the z24 badge since its not a z24 and the rims. other than that it looks good
looking good. not a fan of the rims but that's me.
sedan ftw!
Wojo wrote:

What seats are those? I like them......They would look nice in my '92 Z28.
where did you get those rotors. will you please pm the answer. thanks man
TEAL cavis for the win.!!! man i like how you turned your car around. everything but the rims ..
but thats been said. i like your cavi almost as much as i like mine! haha
I guess I'm the only one liking the rims. I don't normally like them on Saturns (that's what they're from, right?) but they look good on your Cav. Seats are nice, too.
Exactly what color blue is that on the interior it looks very good. By the way please take the z24 badge of your car-Even the canadians would agree it is not a z24

deff. like the color, but the rims, eh...but deff props for doing the work and keeping the car
Some Axis Reverbs in black would look sick on that car...very nice work, but like everyone else said, not diggin the wheels. Very cool blue!
i would get an 01 z spoiler
i hate the 03+ spoilers, they look like lego pieces
slvr05cav- The seats i got from Checker Auto for 250 for the pair. i have a LARGE suspision there the Yonaka Synthetic leather racing seats
2.2&2.4(azncav)- lol. its not teal. its Midnight Blue Colosonial (spelling is way off i cant find the name right now) metallic.
JuggaloZeke- The rims have grown on me. but i really want some Z wheels bad. and there not Saturn wheels. that Pacer Affinities and the only reason i have them is cause i needed tires and these wheels had good tires on them. and i got them for a good deal.
Vincent Morris- thanks for the comments man. from all you guys as a matter of fact. im still iffy on the rims myself. and believe me. the exhaust DEF belongs now. ill see if i can get a pik tomorrow after work. my GF broke the camera so itl be a picture from my phone.
indibluemini3 (aka navycav3)- i HAD the 01 spoiler on there. and then i traded somebody. im not sure what i think of it yet. i might go back. but only if i find a hell of a deal on an 01 spoiler again. i got mine outta a junkyard for 25 bucks so. it was a steal.
As for the color. its a stock GM color and im beginning to think its rare. i see it occasionaly on the 4 drs but its even more rare for the 2 drs. ive only seen 2 of the 2 door Z's in this color. and as for the Z24 badges there on there to break up all the blue. if i can find some of the square GM symbols from the newer GM's then ill grab them.
The car looks hot Josh!! I lvoe it, but you knew that!! Just get it droppe dand roollin on some new wheels and your set. Oh and swap that slushbox/ tired azz ohv for a LD9/ 5 speed combo.
Yeah. it looks a TON better than before. But I also do not agree with the Z24 Badge thing, since it is not one.
& besides, the Chrome GM badges would look WORLDS better on there anyways....

Yes, it's my REAL car. No, it is NOT photoshopped or "this is how my car will look someday". It's the REAL DEAL.
Not really feeling the rims, but looking good other wise. I think this has to be the first 95-99 sedan i've liked with the Z24 kit on it.
Sedans FTW!
love the seats, kinda want them lol
the seats can be had from CHecker auto for 250 bucks.
Here is the picture of what my exhaust looks like now.
exaust looks a world better now. definately digging the car except for the rims. I think it looked better with the clean steelies on it..
I wanna go fast!!
i like it
you've done a good job on it and it has come a long way
i don't mind the rims, if you like them thats what matters
theres always going to be something that looks better, right?
keep up the good work!
YEah. i honestly like the stealies better also. but. i needed new tires. and i needed them BAD. and i piked these up cheap so. i wanna stay with 16's if i get new wheels. and the exhaust looks TONS better. TONS better. hats for sure. i think it belongs there.
T2- Thanks for the comments. and your right about wheels. every year thers always something that comes out that looks better so. ill just keep searching. alltho its not on my priority list. if i find a deal. ill take it.