as the title states i need a pic of the fuze box under the hood with the cover on. that is all thanks
Humor me, this isn't because you painted yours black by any it?
holy hell! what're the odds of this post lol i was just outside trying to start my car after 4 months and my cover is blank from using the wrong cleaner. now I know what fuse to pull for the fuel pump
no if it was so i could see the words they are right in the hand book. thanks tho
Alright i am by no means trying to talk down, but if you didn't need the shot of the fuse box to know what the fuses inside are why did you need the pic. If you just wanted reference for where to mount it or something i guess that makes sense, but couldn't you just approximate. I don't know like i said man i am by no means trying to diss, its just that is kind of a wierd question to ask. Please fill me in.