Hey guys, took charger off to do some motor work and put it back on and now the car goes directly to 2k everytime you start it and stumbles. Also even though NOTHING has changed on the motor im only seeing 4-5psi tops and before i was seeing 7psi. Wondering if my GM 2Bar gm s/c MAP is going bad or is hooked up wrong. Wade mentioned something about mines not connected to the s/c somehow, any pics of where it goes exactly? Heres a pic of mine. I have the gm s/c manual but black and white photos suck.
Sensors have been changed, no vac leaks. unplugged batt for 1 hour and did not change how it started up AT ALL.
My dad installed my charger back on while i was away so this is why im skeptical about it being right. Below is also my charger out on the ground, you cans see the MAP connector and in the pic below mines hooked to a white connector, hmmmm
Edited 1 time(s). Last edited Sunday, January 20, 2008 10:05 PM
***Looking for a BLUE 03+ STOCK cavi wing pm me if ya got one you wanna sell***
lol racist but funny as @!#$ lmao
honestly, if your not providing me any useful information to help fix my car, don't post it.
BOOSTED / JMdecals.com!
honestly, if your not providing me any useful information to help fix my car, don't post it.
wow, take it easy guy. laugh a little.
Seriously, just sell it lol
yeah man idk, but that ush was funny
LE61T PTE6262 Powered
I tried getting a pic but I cant get under there well enough and its freezing (-41 celcius today with the wind).
from the looks of your pic, your map sensor is on the radiator side of the t/b whereas mine is on the opposite side, closer to the engine itself. I tried taking pics from several angle but i couldn't get a good one. My pic might explain the location of mine.
2002 Pontiac Sunfire GT - Supercharged
Bahhhh lemme go take some shots under the hood for ya. It's a long walk from the dorm.
2001 Olds Alero (LD9)
650 whp / 543 ft-lb
High idle + boost loss = vacuum leak post-blower. The MAP doesn't seem related to me, unless the port on the mani (should be after the rotors) is not hooked to anything, which would cause a leak..
fortune cookie say: better a delay than a disaster
AKA your boost gauge/FPR line could be causing it.
2001 Olds Alero (LD9)
650 whp / 543 ft-lb
On the bottom of the supercharger on the side where the throtle body meets you should have the small bracket shown in picture 38 in your manual. The bracket is held on by one bolt that screws into the sc itself. The map sensor just kind of snaps into the bracket. Thoe 3/16 vaccum hose for it should go from the map sensor to the vaccum port on the tb side of the sc. This port is right beside the iat sensor. Let me know if you need some pics or any other help.
After examining the above pics you might find the one marked IAT area helpful. The hose that has the writing on it saying SAE.... is the 3/16 vaccum hose that goes to the map sensor.
Edited 2 time(s). Last edited Monday, January 21, 2008 8:23 AM
first things first....check all of your manifold bolts and s/c to manifold bolts. I have the m62 and one wasn't tightened and gave me the same issue.
That is a good idea. Even more so since the m45 manifold to head bolts can be a pain to get tight.
I havent checked the tighteness of my manifold to head bolts since installation about 6 months ago. I would like to check them again but I dont want to pull the fuel rail. Is there any special tools I can use to get into those tight spaces. I remeber having to use a tiny wrench. It was a PITA