Rear and back quarter pics of CAVALIER widebody - Photos & Media Forum

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Rear and back quarter pics of CAVALIER widebody
Wednesday, February 13, 2008 8:48 AM

Not Sunfire.....nor Cavfire.....


I'm working away on my own and having fits with the line.....

More or less its driving me insane.....

Please any pics will be extremely helpful

thanks Crew..!!!

Re: Rear and back quarter pics of CAVALIER widebody
Wednesday, February 13, 2008 8:55 AM
Here's a link to the "QueenZ" it should have all the angles you need.

"The FACTS are always subject to CHANGE once the TRUTH is applied"
"In the entire history of man the only stupid questions are the ones that don't get asked"
Re: Rear and back quarter pics of CAVALIER widebody
Wednesday, February 13, 2008 10:22 AM

Thanks John....I believe hers was built off the kit that was once available....

Looking for more custom.....

But any picture will do...I'm about to scrap the Widebody idea soon....just can't get a nice line thru the rear of the Cavi...!!!!!

Re: Rear and back quarter pics of CAVALIER widebody
Wednesday, February 13, 2008 10:47 AM
Have you checked sykeeok's progress thread? That might help (the widebody starts on page 5):

Re: Rear and back quarter pics of CAVALIER widebody
Wednesday, February 13, 2008 12:27 PM

Thanks Quik...
His is the only one l'm going off of...However we're both at the same point....
Maybe it's because l'm not going with the flares....just isn't fitting my eye yet....
Thank god l still have 3 more months until spring....HA

Re: Rear and back quarter pics of CAVALIER widebody
Wednesday, February 13, 2008 2:45 PM
You know, when making your own panels, it doesn't hurt to have something like these tools to make sure your sides are consistant:

They can be a great help in making things perfect.

Re: Rear and back quarter pics of CAVALIER widebody
Thursday, February 14, 2008 5:23 AM

Thanks Quik...My Uncle is a bodyman and has been for 25plus years....He specializes in rotisserie
restorations...he has the skills to complete everyting....however, finding the shape l'm after for the rear has been a challenge...

I like the wheel flare widebody of Vince's however the two of us will be at simple shows.....although his is a Sunfire once the final coat goes on they would look alike..minus the tail light swap...

Hard to be orignal when your not the first out of the gate....

Re: Rear and back quarter pics of CAVALIER widebody
Thursday, February 14, 2008 9:38 AM
Re: Rear and back quarter pics of CAVALIER widebody
Thursday, February 14, 2008 10:10 AM
^^^ that car is soooo sexy

coming back in 2008...
Re: Rear and back quarter pics of CAVALIER widebody
Thursday, February 14, 2008 10:58 AM
Wow, that car is hot! I have never seen tha before.

Re: Rear and back quarter pics of CAVALIER widebody
Thursday, February 14, 2008 11:05 AM
Silver Z wrote:Wow, that car is hot! I have never seen tha before.

He i a member here. He just doesn't post much. He still be lurking though.

Re: Rear and back quarter pics of CAVALIER widebody
Thursday, February 14, 2008 3:13 PM
Zspot Zedden wrote:Thanks Quik...
His is the only one l'm going off of...However we're both at the same point....
Maybe it's because l'm not going with the flares....just isn't fitting my eye yet....
Thank god l still have 3 more months until spring....HA

well i guess it wouldn't make sense for me to post pics then lol. can you give an idea of what exactly you're stuck on man? even just a pic of your car with the area circled or something? i'd hate to see you scrap the project. what about the way this guy did his?

j/k man.

Re: Rear and back quarter pics of CAVALIER widebody
Friday, February 15, 2008 5:42 AM

It not one thig about the whole thing...simply building off the side then sanding until l'm happy will drive me insane....the upper potion on the quarter ....where the Cavailer line starts to run on an upper angle seems to dissappear....I love the line of the Cavi however unlike the Sunfire ithe line is not as noticable with the gobbs of glass....

Thinking time...and more time will bring it to were l'm happy....I'd rather not post pics....want to have the big SUPRISE post...

I've been taking with Joey Baggs and feel that one of his ideas may work....
Testing those ideas soon...

Thanks Guys and Sykeeok....Keep up the great work....!!

Re: Rear and back quarter pics of CAVALIER widebody
Friday, February 15, 2008 11:09 AM
Zspot Zedden wrote:Sykeeok....
It not one thig about the whole thing...simply building off the side then sanding until l'm happy will drive me insane....the upper potion on the quarter ....where the Cavailer line starts to run on an upper angle seems to dissappear....I love the line of the Cavi however unlike the Sunfire ithe line is not as noticable with the gobbs of glass....

Thinking time...and more time will bring it to were l'm happy....I'd rather not post pics....want to have the big SUPRISE post...

I've been taking with Joey Baggs and feel that one of his ideas may work....
Testing those ideas soon...

Thanks Guys and Sykeeok....Keep up the great work....!!

thank you. i hope to have a new tent and get back to work soon.

as far as where you're talking about, i THINK i know what you mean. what i had originally done was built a new body line on mine. when i get home i'll try to find and post the pic for you. basically i used a little trick with tape that mike (1clean4door) showed me which didn't take long and worked really well. it made the body line sharper and more obvious. looked more like a sunfire line, but you can also round it off if you'd like. hard to describe without the pic. like i said, i'll try to find it in a few hours when i get home.

Re: Rear and back quarter pics of CAVALIER widebody
Friday, February 15, 2008 11:50 AM

^^^^Good man thanks...!!!^^^

I won't be around for the weekend taking the Yamaha RX1 for a trip.....leave tonight and won't be home until late Sunday, however l will be back to continue to conversation Monday...

Thanks fellas....

Re: Rear and back quarter pics of CAVALIER widebody
Friday, February 15, 2008 12:04 PM
hummm. In all honestly buddy, if you're going for a custom one off look, then you should just start drawing up some of your own ideas and go from there.

Just keep drawing different ideas no matter how crazy they look. You can go back and adjust your concept ideation as you plug away.

Hit me up on msn, I might have a few ideas running around my head.

Re: Rear and back quarter pics of CAVALIER widebody
Friday, February 15, 2008 12:13 PM

Custom is a bad word only because we are limited to what we really can do�..
My laptop is in getting a cleaning and l will be out this weekend however firing some ideas off you wouldn�t be a bad idea�..

Vince l will e-mail you Monday with some of my thoughts�.

Re: Rear and back quarter pics of CAVALIER widebody
Friday, February 15, 2008 2:10 PM
not many ppl like what i did with my car, but it definitely fits the "custom" criteria

Re: Rear and back quarter pics of CAVALIER widebody
Friday, February 15, 2008 2:38 PM
here's what i was talking about. it's a few inches under the rear side window. it fades out right behind the door and right before the end of the car. i hope this is the same area that you were talking about.

if you need anything else feel free to pm me on here, i try to get on at least once a day.

Re: Rear and back quarter pics of CAVALIER widebody
Friday, February 15, 2008 2:39 PM
sykeeok wrote:

Everyone else just stop with their wide body builds now. This guy owns all of you.

I say maybe a C+ to B- for ideas, but a major FAIL on execution!
I forgot about that car. I remember a post about it over the summer. Wow.

Re: Rear and back quarter pics of CAVALIER widebody
Friday, February 15, 2008 3:41 PM
quicklilcav-i remembered it from over the summer too and i just couldn't help myself when i saw this one

Re: Rear and back quarter pics of CAVALIER widebody
Saturday, February 16, 2008 12:30 PM
Will! post some progress pics.. we would love to see! quit hiding!

Re: Rear and back quarter pics of CAVALIER widebody
Saturday, February 16, 2008 5:18 PM
this was my widebody i made, i took carboard and litteraly cut and glued peices onto the car and figured out my design from their, easier to visualize then to draw. Once i got the carboard into the right shape i traced it onto sheet metal then welded on the peices ect. heres a few pics. I thought it was deff. diff. it really wasnt a widebody, the sheet metal meets the factory 1/4 panel and fender at the bottom of the car, that way i didnt have to widen the wheels.

Re: Rear and back quarter pics of CAVALIER widebody
Tuesday, February 19, 2008 5:44 AM
Phewes wrote:Will! post some progress pics.. we would love to see! quit hiding!

Ha...peek a boo

I really don't want to show pics only because its to easy for people to criticize about stuff that doesn't matter to me ..For example....this thread is about the rear quarter and rear.....if l posted a pic of the rear of my car people ( newbs ) would start asking about my tails and what kinda kit etc...chatter chatter chatter..... simply put...tends things get off topic.....This thread has been very beneficial to me.....

The messages from Joey Baggs and the helpful tips from Sykeeok as well as knowing that Vince is a msn away gives me the confidence to move forward....

Thanks fellas..!!!!

Re: Rear and back quarter pics of CAVALIER widebody
Tuesday, February 19, 2008 9:17 AM
you're very welcome. anything else you need just let me know. pm preferably in case i don't get into this part of the forum for a few days.

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