I think it will look sick. I would change the rims but if thats what you like then go for it!! car looks awesome
Wow that is really looking good. Good progress
Painted with some bronze rims and I'd have sex with it....

I miss her^
perfect combination, although im not much of a fan of the lss rear, its going to look sick on there man.
awesome taste.
very nice changes dude. I'm glad you finally made up your mind on the suspension so you could get some exterior. All the pieces you picked look awesome. hood, lips, sides....perfect
need the black headlights/side markers. other than that, looks amazing!
Gonna look sick dude.
But I hate you for having those side skirts
it's gonna look amazing!!!

Getting "better built" for the '08...
Looks similar to what I had planned last year before I sold the car:
Actually wanted that same hood or the RK Carbon lower scoop...

I miss her^
thats gonna look awesome!!

Member of J-body of Michigan.
sweet cant wait to see it done. love that front lip.

JBOK.org / J-Bodies of Kentucky
The more and more i see the LS sport fronts, the more i want to get rid of my Type J.
Rob Weis (RobsCavZ24) wrote:Looks similar to what I had planned last year before I sold the car:

Actually wanted that same hood or the RK Carbon lower scoop...
^ You should get those wheels Larry, that'd look sweet.
Thanks for the compliments everyone, I really like the direction that this thing is going in. I am not sure if i'm gonna stay dark with the wheels or not. I dont think that i'm going to be putting much more money into it this year. I might get tint and clear corners and thats all, I have to get tires on wheels since they're toast. I'll try to keep the updates going.

2009 Ford Mustang V6
Almost perfect......
Only thing I would do is blacked out headlights / corners and different rims....Then it would look mint...
Car has definetly came a long way in the last year! I like the direction you went with it....
Qwik2k2z24 wrote:Now its worthy of picture whoring...
Love the setup.
Id say change the wheels while u do tires at the same time.
Gonna look sweet but please paint your calipers black
this is the progress I've been waiting for!! Nice!
2002 Yellow Cavalier LS Sport
Awesome! I've really liked watching your progress on this car. It looks kinda neat with the black lips

It will look really well once you get everything on there and painted. Good choices.
Isn't there a Beretta Indy somewhere in your family or owned by one of your friends? If so how's that car doing?
1990 Pontiac Sunbird //
1995 Beretta Base
Calipers are going red, drums black. Wheels are going to stay but unsure of wether i'm going back with silver or staying gunmetal. The indy was my old car which my brother in law now owns and the car hasn't been on the road in 4 years now so i'll let you be the judge of that. I am going to hopefully have tint and clear corners and that might be it for mods this year. The car needs new transmission cooler lines, Front struts mounts, Alignment, tires, upper motor mount replaced. So it needs alot of money put into it along with Paint work on top of that.

2009 Ford Mustang V6
cant go wrong with wings west, love it man