Dude that looks really good. If I were you I'd tint your tails red like Phewes or Phlatcav did.

Proud member of Jbody of Kentucky ... Click on sig to go!
Darkstars wrote:it used to look so good 

. beauty of it is i can take em off when ever i feel like it!!!!!!!!!!!! sorry man
JoeyDaBomb wrote:Dude that looks really good. If I were you I'd tint your tails red like Phewes or Phlatcav did.
thanks bro.i have some 00+toyos that i was going to paint black but i like the stock tails. im still undecided.

I NEED a 97-99 LD9 engine harness for an auto.PM if u hav info.!!
I'm normally about the color match, but I liked the wheels in all black...
If i were u id take sum black paint and paint inside ur wheel well it will make it look much better for HIN just make sure u clean it and maybe even cover ur wheels with newspaper and tape off ur outer quarter pannels
O yeah and would u shoot me a PM on what u have to do to get those head lights to work nicely and do they fit well please and thanks
thats lookin real nice man! im deff a fan

Member of J-body of Michigan.
dirty elf wrote:black mesh in the kit!
some Wilwoods up front + and a rear disc swap = done
Desert Tuners

�When you come across a big kettle of crazy, it�s best not to stir it.�
yep i agree with freq z it needs some big brakes to fill in those wheels and really complete it. Im not sure yet if im completly sold on the red inserts on the hotswaps but as you said they can be removed have to see some daylight pics to really decide on those. car looks really great though man some big brakes and 00-02 toyota tails would really finish it off nicely. deff one of my favorite red j's. also a two tone with black on top would really set the wheels off and make the red inserts look really good.
is there overspray on the drums?
my carDomain updated 3/6/07 Boosted by 100K or B-day!
looks good keep up the good work
Didn't like that at all the first time I looked at the pics.....
....but, I keep coming back to the thread!!
I think I'm starting to like that!!!!
Eh...old man with a Corvette now...it was bound to happen sooner rather than later right?
Black mesh the kit and it will loook so much better.....I'm undecided on the painted hotswaps....
needs day time pics of the whole car...
Love the color matched!
Redo those drums though ASAP!
I think it looks really good! Can't wait to see the daytime pics.
All this time waiting and i thought it would look sweet...
boy was i wrong
thats @!#$ hott!
bout time too
get some good day pics please
I thought the hot swaps looked like ass before. The color match is pimp. Your car is starting to look pretty damn amazing.