2008 CarShow Listing - Photos & Media Forum

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2008 CarShow Listing
Sunday, April 06, 2008 6:51 AM
I was contemplating on putting this in events ... but since it is Media and it has a Photo in it ... sure what the hell ....

Now i kno there are Many many more car shows coming in the next 6 months ...
but this is the compilation of shows that im going to make it to ....
If there are more shows that you would like to be seen on this list please list them dates and location
the TBA events ... i dont bother with yet because theres no hard dates set .

i keep this as a background image on my desktop it keeps me thinking about whats next
and also this way you can ask your boss for the time off for the shows that are far away
he or she will be pleased you came up this early to them for the time off

First size is for the High Rez folks with 700 dollar video cards and 22 inch widescreen lcd's LOL
Second is For the guys who like the simpler things in life ...

Re: 2008 CarShow Listing
Sunday, April 06, 2008 6:53 AM
Lots of spelling mistakes....

screw the GM Tuner Bash, I'm going to the GM Tunner bash!

What you know about Street Racing anyways? Only what Fast & Furious taught us....
Re: 2008 CarShow Listing
Sunday, April 06, 2008 7:00 AM
Well Thanks for the imput but its not why i posted this to be spellchecked LoL but none the less thanks ...
If i was closer to wisconsin i would ..... but that long A$$ drive aint happening lol ...

Re: 2008 CarShow Listing
Sunday, April 06, 2008 7:41 AM
j-body bash is the JCO bash...of course its a j-body bash this is JBO...lol

My car may run 18s, but I can do your taxes in 10 seconds flat.
JBO lube - they would never have enough in stock and we'd never see RodimusPrime again
Re: 2008 CarShow Listing
Sunday, April 06, 2008 7:47 AM
^^^ ???

ok ?

Re: 2008 CarShow Listing
Sunday, April 06, 2008 7:50 AM

TASR Tuners against street Racing is a charity event held in missisauga ontario
Car wash event as well but dont quote me on that

Re: 2008 CarShow Listing
Sunday, April 06, 2008 7:54 AM
good list!

Re: 2008 CarShow Listing
Sunday, April 06, 2008 8:05 AM
DriftMania date is wrong....Its August 15-16 @ Downsview


Re: 2008 CarShow Listing
Sunday, April 06, 2008 8:12 AM
Thanks Mike i'll Make the change
any more in the Horse Shoe Area ?

anywhere from coburg to the falls to detroit i think should be included ....
i took this list from the other j body fourm ... and placed my own in there too
i wonder what show then will be there on the 15 @ downsview ....
imma research it and get back

Re: 2008 CarShow Listing
Sunday, April 06, 2008 8:16 AM
The J-Body Bash is a two day event - June 6-7

CSCS date is wrong....Its June 22 @ Grand Bend

T.A.S.R. is open 11:00 - 6:00

Hottest & Sexitest by DMCC date is wrong....Its August 18-19

Re: 2008 CarShow Listing
Sunday, April 06, 2008 8:20 AM
Wow mike thanks man ..... thats sweet !! i'll make the fix right now

Re: 2008 CarShow Listing
Sunday, April 06, 2008 8:21 AM
Doyle wrote:Wow mike thanks man ..... thats sweet !! i'll make the fix right now

Ya no problem,

I also had a couple of dates wrong that came from the JCO site....

Re: 2008 CarShow Listing
Sunday, April 06, 2008 8:29 AM
Hottest & Sexitest by DMCC date is wrong....Its August 18-19

i dont think its held on a monday and tuesday do u ?

Re: 2008 CarShow Listing
Sunday, April 06, 2008 8:35 AM
if you wer looking here
thats why that is for 2007

Re: 2008 CarShow Listing
Sunday, April 06, 2008 8:59 AM
The DriftMania Event event is August 15-16

I believe the HottestandSexiest site is down right now though...I will check back later....

Re: 2008 CarShow Listing
Sunday, April 06, 2008 9:07 AM
i dont mind making changes to this .....
so by all means any more mistakes or add ons let me kno !

Re: 2008 CarShow Listing
Sunday, April 06, 2008 9:08 AM
lol Dammit .... k i'll check back here in 4 hr's and then make the changes ......

Re: 2008 CarShow Listing
Tuesday, April 08, 2008 7:51 PM
Well it seems to be that the DMCC event people have made a typo on that ....
Its actually starting on the friday .... which sounds weird to me but .... never kno ...

another one ....

Importfest sept 6
i'll post a new background 2 morrow .

Re: 2008 CarShow Listing
Wednesday, April 09, 2008 7:42 AM
Driftmania is agugust 15-16th and this should be in the ontario regional or events since its not really important to anyone else

Re: 2008 CarShow Listing
Wednesday, April 09, 2008 12:38 PM
BuMmRz wrote:Driftmania is agugust 15-16th and this should be in the ontario regional or events since its not really important to anyone else

theres a buffalo show on there

Re: 2008 CarShow Listing
Wednesday, April 09, 2008 2:20 PM
BuMmRz wrote:Driftmania is august 15-16th and this should be in the ontario regional or events since its not really important to anyone else

So your telling me that driftmainia is on a friday saturday ?????
doesnt that seem a little odd ???

CASTROL DMCC Aug 16-17 Downsview Park

taken from

so im not gonna say its the 15th -16th OR the 16 - 17th
but realisticly ..... 16th -17th sounds more like it since its on a saturday sunday .....

if anyone has any info on this .... that is Actual hardened Fact that its one or the other .... give it up !

^^^ If the pic actually came thru its shown on dmcc that its 15h - 16th yet on the hotestandsexiest events list its the 16-17th

And as Joey Said ..... i woulda put this in the ontario forum but there are some american shows in there to makin this ok where it is

Re: 2008 CarShow Listing
Wednesday, April 09, 2008 2:22 PM
the first link is not working ... not sure why but this is the main link ..... then go to events @ the top right


Re: 2008 CarShow Listing
Thursday, April 10, 2008 5:53 AM
lmao ya im making this @!#$ up, I got emails from all the event people back in december

Hey Justin,

Nice front end , anyways�. Can�t wait to see it�.Downsview is August 15th & 16th (day & night)

I sent you our 2008 schedule also� the only date not confirmed is Alberta.

Do not hesitate to contact me for any information.

Vickie Schanck

Director of Operations

Driftmania Inc.

Re: 2008 CarShow Listing
Friday, April 11, 2008 2:44 PM
Doyle wrote:
BuMmRz wrote:Driftmania is august 15-16th and this should be in the ontario regional or events since its not really important to anyone else

So your telling me that driftmainia is on a friday saturday ?????
doesnt that seem a little odd ???

BuMmRz wrote: lmao ya im making this @!#$ up, I got emails from all the event people back in december

Wow .....
Dude Did i say your making this SH|t Up ??? i simply said that it "SEEMS ODD"
ive been to many a car shows an i cant say that ive been to many that started on a friday .....

Does that not seem a little weird ???

so please dont jump to the conclusion that im saying your lying or making it up

ive clearly stated that there is 2 web sites with 2 different dates for what seems to be the same show ...... thats all ....

Please Read what people Write b 4 making assumptions

Because reguardless if your right or wrong .... the fact is it again"SEEMS ODD" that this would start on a friday ....

since the turn out will not be even close to the turn out for the saturday event ...

Re: 2008 CarShow Listing
Friday, April 11, 2008 6:03 PM
lol I stated it once then you assume I didnt ask. You asked for a correct date then stated that i could be wrong, you should maybe look into stuff before posting a "show list" especially asking for people to help you with it then not beleiving them. The reason its a friday show is because its at night, imo this is a great idea probably going to be one of the sweetest things all year.

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