Doesn't it suck they don't stay that way? gorgeous!
DroptopPaul wrote:Doesn't it suck they don't stay that way? gorgeous!
mine does!
looks good raf, home stretch man, home stretch!
Riddle me this... riddle me that...
reminds me of skills motor
looks great
love the engine man, wish mine was that clean....what did you use??
^All you have to do is have your engine out and paint it.
I can't wait till I get my new engine for my 01Z.
thankz guys...well I got a lot of cleaning to do to the engine bay I know this....
Just for a FYI....its not paint its powdercoat lollypop blue. I still got lots of work to do but its a great progress to finally see her in the bay!
GMR has got nothing on this
i want pics of the whole car.
Riddle me this... riddle me that...
just look at my sig. I just dont have the rims and roll call on the door. I also sanded down the car so its not looking so good right now
GMR has got nothing on this
DOHC_tuner wrote:And I know I got a lot of cleaning to do to the engine bay.
I would have done that first, (before the engine goes in) to avoid getting any harsh chemicals on the powdercoat.
Degreaser or Simple Green would have worked pretty well in this situation.
I like how the motor looks, though.
& make sure you clean all that crap out of your wiper cowl too. YUCK
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looks great! I need to get started on mine!
what kind of car is that? nice freaking motor btw
^its an OLDZ GX Alero
GMR has got nothing on this
timing cover bolts look loose
Blew it up, build numbers coming soon
That overflow tank has got to go! It's ruining the look of the engine... everything else is pristine!
indibluemini3 (aka navycav3) wrote:reminds me of skills motor
Me too.... LOL! Looks like we have the same tatse in powder coat.
Looks good.
- 93 mph in the 1/8 mile
Member of J-Body Of Michigan.