Well a few weeks ago someone rear-ended me in traffic, so i wound up gettin my rear bumper replaced and decided to have the front fixed up too while i was at it
My brothers new 98 sunfire and my 02
also i took the time to have them fix the bumper sag as best they could
no more rock chips or primer under the headlights FTW
thanks for looking
Looks great!!! Still needs to be dropped 4-5 inches though!
your rear bumper is still looks a bit saggy or something; but you car looks great overall, looks killer steve, and nice pic up for your brother, probally see your car in person sometime this summer
98 j-body sedan
needs dropped with them big ol raaams breh
don't look bad. got a before?
are those ebay lights or did u paint
neither, i dunno where they came from but it wasnt ebay it might be a company called angel eyes or icpw i dunno
and yeah before pics of the front and rear
cant really see the rock chips.. but there was ALOT.. but the primer under the headlights stuck out like a sore thumb
and the rear damage
funny thing about the getting rear-ended part was i came to find out why my bumper sag was so bad... idiot who put the kit on had glued the middle of the bumper to the car cuz after i got hit the glue released and the bumper didnt sag as bad..
Looks good man! but drop that BEEEHOOOTTCH
workin on it, probably next month
and a little bit about my brothers fire, we just got it and its a 98 with 45k km and it's in mint shape, literally absolutely nothing wrong with it.. he really wants to model the car after john piparo's car so were gonna do our best to get it looking good but still keep it original to a certain degree, i'll post up pics of the progress of that project sometime in sugust when he gets back from alberta
Edited 1 time(s). Last edited Saturday, May 17, 2008 1:09 PM