could some one find a picture for me? i looked and couldnt findone..
looking to see what a cavalier would look like with a 03 sunfire front clip..
thanks for help
i know there is a guy in florida that just did this
i really want to see what it looks like.. cause i think i might turn out nice and might want to do it to my 2000
Here u go...this is my buddies 00 Cavi with 03 dog house
damn... that looks sick.. how did he do the headlights.. did they bolt right up?
Im not sure, I havent rlly talked to him too much about it because I dont rlly care for it, Ill ask him and get back to u.
it all bolts right up from my understanding...there are a fe people on the boards that have done it.....look around??
Sticky in the exterior forum...