you also need to put on a shirt, pale ass haha
I'm surprised the engine bay is as clean as it is.
Its a good start.
<img src="">
- putting the pieces back together -
what happened to the rubber around the ant? did it explode
z28guy(KGM BEOTCH)
Phewes wrote:nice tits
only on the .org do men get catcalls too.....!
LMAO this thread ROCKS!!!! I was thinking the same thing as you Tabs.
Get all the hubcaps off, and kiwi shoe dye the bumpers and it will look great!
Forever Black works extremely well, but IMO it's a waste of money. Why? Because the Kiwi shoe dye does the exact same thing, but it costs much less. If you want to use FB, go right ahead, it does produce excellent results, I can't dispute that. But hey, can't complain about saving a few bucks
Shoe dye = $2/bottle
Forever Black = $10-15 a bottle
What to do:
1.) Buy two bottles of Kiwi black shoe DYE ($2/ea = $4). Not polish. Not cream. DYE. Why two bottles? One bottle will give you plenty of coverage, but if you're like me, you'll either spill or lose one of the bottles Plus, it's handy to have a second bottle around for touchups.
2.) Also buy a pack of inexpensive kitchen sponges (4-pack = 50 cents). Don't get the ones that have cleaning stuff presoaked into them, those won't work very well for obvious reasons The sponges will make application go much quicker, particularly if you are doing bumpers, and give you a more even and consistent finish. Also, you can trim them down to do narrow trim or get into tight spots.
3.) Clean and dry your plastic trim well.
4.) Put some of the dye onto one of the sponges and apply it evenly to all the parts that need it. Treat it like you're painting something - don't slop on one thick coat. Do several thin coats. Allow for drying time in between; try to get the parts into a place where there is low humidity, excessive humidity will make it take forever to dry.
5.) If your trim is pretty faded you can put on about 4-5 thin coats for a deep even finish. Trim that is less faded may only need 2-3 coats.
6.) Make sure you give it plenty of time to set and dry before trying to wash your car. Once it is all set up, it will not streak off when you wash the car. After the initial application, just reapply a coat or two as needed for touchup, you should get at least 6 months out of it before you notice much fading.
7.) Pocket the $10 you saved vs. using Forever Black
2 things:
1)Engine bay, as said is surprisingly clean
2)Belts, and this is coming from a guy who sags his pants too, are meant to keep your pants up
Nice start and good luck with it.
I had something really funny to put here but it was too long.
I had the exact same car few years back. Black cav 2.2. ahh those were some memorable times lol
Put a flippin shirt on when u take pics
Hamburger Helper..One Pound, One Pan, One Disfunctional Family!
all the caps are off and have been off since right after that one pic was taken.
it was 97 degrees outside so sorry and if i keep my shirt on i will always be pale ass.
and for the belt thing i need to put a smaller hole in my belt. cause that belt is a 30in. waist and i have a 27in. waist (damn im skinny)
the rubber around the ant was like that when i got the car. it looks like son damage in person kinda like it just dried up and cracked
the engine bay is decent but better since the pics were taken i will get new ones up sometime.
thanks for the tip on the kiwi dye.
yes i do have nice tits and there natural
and once again it was hot out im sorry (ook so im just a man whore)