Well it has almost been a full year since the tranny bomb incident at the bash...
I decided it was time to get this thing back on the road again.
After a new tranny, thowout bearing, fluid top off, and a new batt, she fired right back up. I snapped a few pics since I really cant drive till the new plates show up
Hopefully I can get her get her out for some nicer pics soon..

that is my favorite sunfire, flat black look very good on it. i love that front end . ~~
Also love this Sunfire!
That Andy guy though....I dunno.
glad to see new pics and hear good news that shes back on the road again. the car is too damn hot to sit inside.
will she be at the bash this year?
wow even though the exterior isnt stock looking the flat black makes it look almost OEM then you look under the hood hehe very well done one of my favorite sunfires ever, very clean and simple
one of my favs. definitely my favorite sunfire.

87 Firebird
All stock...........lol.
Welcome back to the road! Mine's back on the road after only 2 months sitting, don't know how you lets your sit so long!
nice to see it up again. i was really looking forward to working on it back when we stopped by. ahh well...hopefully itll make an appearance at the bash.
It's ready right before the bash....again
Looks great bud.

Proud member of Jbody of Kentucky ... Click on sig to go!
My favorite Sunfire....That kit is Damn SEXY!!!
wow.. usually not a fan of the 03+ sunfires... but that is one nice car...
nice clean, and i'm diggin the flat black man
you need to show up if I am going... ass
LE61T PTE6262 Powered
You'll be there
and if not...i know where you live..sorta lol
One of my favorite fires. Love the flat black and the kit. Good to hear your back on the road now. Been a while since seeing you on JBO.
What shift knob is that if you don't mind me asking, awesome car.
Love it, hope to see it at the bash again
that car is just straight sex. everything about it.
~2014 New Z under the knife, same heart different body~
2012 numbers - 4SPD
328 HP
306 TQ
Although i'm not a fan of those wheels or the crooked plate, somehow its still the best looking Sunfire on this site.
- 93 mph in the 1/8 mile
Member of J-Body Of Michigan.