Haha, just kidding. If someone were to give me a nice fat sponsorship or hand-out for that one.. then I would do it. I don't really care what people think.
Here's the real deal. I have a vinyl company in the works that is going to do a full vehicle wrap..
Is it a BIG sticker? More or less. Is it wild and obscene? Definitely. Is it rice? Of course! Let the hate roll on out from the 'clean, subtle' guys.. lol
I actually like the "real one". It does kinda look smooth, except the rims stick out too much for me.....I'd like to see, if the rims were black, white, gunmetal or something similar, how it would look.

USACi =>146.9db
14.88 @ 90.73MPH =>GM Charger, Motor Mounts, Catback exhaust
Seen those wraps on Horsepower TV
i think that looks BALLER if you want your car to stand out from the crowd then do it
get some pics of it when done and Ill make my decision doesn't look bad tho
Yeah, I've noticed after looking it over that the winter camo theme flows nicely since my whole car is shaved.. as for the gold rims, they stay. What I'm doing to bring it together is doing a parts/sponsor decal run along the bottom of the door or somewhere along the side of the car that will be done in matching gold.
That being said, the 'burberry' dash and headliner will definitely be changed.. haha. I'm ripping out the interior for a proper, partially fibreglassed/wrapped interior that winter '08-09 will allow me to finish
I don't see a car there, it blends in so well...
I do it...I planned on doing an urban camo paint job on the red car when it goes on jackstands this winter. And I'd go with the 2nd pic if it were my car.
i think i could live with the camo design if it were painted. but to vinyl your whole car....? not feeling that at all...
love it...better if it was gonna be painted.
I'm not going to hold back my dislike for it just because he made a point to say things like "I don't care what people thing" or "is it rice? yes!" and "let the hate roll out".....
I think it looks terrible on a car. I personally LOVE the clean white car with gold wheels look and hate the camo look. I would have major respect for the painter and for you having the balls to rock a very "redneck" or "disliked" paint job.... but you plan on doing a big sticker. When you buy that giant vinyl wrap and pay someone to spend countless hours working out the bubbles and getting it even from pannel to pannel, you could have just paid for the paint work. But like I said, paint OR vinyl, I think it looks terrible.
On the other hand....you have other fingers.

In my family we teach that boys have a God-stick and girls have a Shame Cave. -John Stewart
neat concept but i think the outcome is going to be less then desirable. it will look good in pics and from 30' away but ive yet to see a vehicle wrap look good up close. you just can't wrap it to look good around creases and the body lines of the car, there always ends up being big telltale signs that its just a wrap. and the camo i like but it doesnt go well with the gold rims.
http://www.flickr.com/photos/sndsgood/ https://www.facebook.com/#!/Square1Photography
gonna be really cool.. we gotta arrange a photoshoot soon!
sndsgood wrote:...but it doesnt go well with the gold rims.
you shut your hole about gold rims!! hahahhahahaa
Sorry to go off topic and jack your thread... But speaking of vinyl wraps....
If your plan on doing it yourself plan on at least 2-8hr days to finish the whole thing. Its a major @!#$ pain in the ass.....
$1,000 in Vinyl right there.... Sponsored of course. Hopefully they will be wrapping it for you.