^what your trying to accomplish, looking like a fire front swap! could be wrong......
WiGM-Tuners member.
z22cavrs(PERRY) wrote:what do you wanna know
I see Sunfire front and rear bumpers and fenders. Since the front of the Z is off I'm guessing a Sunfire front end swap, but what about the rear bumper in the picture?
FU Tuning
k well it is a sunfire we pulled it into the shop this afternoon at 1:00 had it stripped down to the state you see it in and had one
hinge installed for the vertical door kit by 3:00 we are painting the whole car black and installing the hinges thats about it and it is getting
my old 17" falken torque 5's
z22cavrs(PERRY) wrote:there is no swapping this is not my car it is a sunfire and always has been a sunfire and will stay a sunfire
Wow sorry. I just looked again. At first look with the Z wheels ind the front end off it looked like a cavy. I even said to myself the first time, oh it is a 2200, but still called it a Z24.
FU Tuning
no problem man i was trying to do to many things at once
this is basically what it looked like this morning. basically we're installing the vertical hinges and making it all one color
carbonfire's old front end? eh
good to see alot already have done on the c-10!
Tomarrow we will get the other side done lengthen the wires and fit the fenders, Then start on the body work
z22cavrs(PERRY) wrote:
this is basically what it looked like this morning. basically we're installing the vertical hinges and making it all one color

not stock this is what it looks like
z22cavrs(PERRY) wrote:it is most definetly carbonfire's old front and other random parts and pieces
I have not heard that name in AGES! I have many pics of his car saved on a CD somewhere. Nice.
Looks good, should look sweet when it's all one color
That's sweet. I debated going to school for the same thing. i wanted to open my own body shop.
Edited 1 time(s). Last edited Wednesday, September 17, 2008 2:46 PM
2002 Yellow Cavalier LS Sport
The doors are done now. next we are going to fix the small amount of dents on the car and start scuffing everything else
02 redbadged wrote:^what your trying to accomplish, looking like a fire front swap! could be wrong......
at first glance u see the front clip missing and Z-24 wheels first thought is its his car and hes going for a fire swap. However if u look at it a bit longer u will see the rear half is still there revealing fire quarter windows, fire trunk lid n spoiler, and the fire rear body lines. its a hit or miss of whats going on lol. just pointing that out lol any way what would it look like if u left the blue on the bottom and just paint the fenders and bumper from the body line up black two tone.
fooled me....i also thought it was a cav...... and the car is not stock...
damn you guys work fast.

Fall 08 Omaha/western Iowa area meet...
^thats what i was thinking, lambo doors dont go on quickly by any means
