Well, seeing as my paint and body is rusting to @!#$, and after the deer incident, I just haven't been happy.
I've been poking around for a decent flat/matte paint job to do, because after I clean up all the surface rust, and small dings, I need to put something over it, right?
Keep in mind, the car was only $200, and is just a daily driver, not a show car, hell, its not even GTG worthy.
All that being said, I plan on doing flat white, with a black roof. I've done flat black on my previous 2nd gen cav, and it came out well..I think if I take more time, and prep, this can (and will come out even better)
Starting with...
(and yes, it does look pretty good in that picture, but I assure you, rust is bubbling up (This is the "good" side) The hood has some @!#$ty paint, and every panel is scratched beyond repair, and I hate red.
That being said, this is my inspiration for the flat white..
Questions, concerns,comments?
i thought of flat white last year when i was removing a dent in my rear qtr panel.... should look really hot
but that car that you posted is hideous!! that beige kills it
you just have to put that dude on your roof tho..lol
i'm interested to see how it turns out. the vw is sweet
That's Chuck Norris on the roof.
He'll kick your @!#$ ass next time you call him "that dude".
That's neat, I've never seen flat white beefwhore. Yeah... beefwhore.
not a fan.

Fall 08 Omaha/western Iowa area meet...
thats badass
i think that they VW looks sick
i also really like flat blue, i saw it first on a harley actually but here is a good example
Can someone explain me what do u mean by "flat"? flat black I kinda get it from the pics, but flat white? Does it mean without a clear coat?
Yes u r all correct, Im a newbie and a foreign member
Anyone driving slower than you is an idiot, and anyone going faster than you is a maniac...
Joe Schulte wrote:That's Chuck Norris on the roof.
He'll kick your @!#$ ass next time you call him "that dude".
I wanted to say it was him but i just didnt wanna be wrong.
I am now scared @!#$less that Chuck Norris is gonna beat my ass
Quiklilcav wrote:z yaaaa wrote:not a fan.
Flat white just doesn't work the way flat black does.
I've done the flat black thing, over it...with a passion
Usher wrote:Can someone explain me what do u mean by "flat"? flat black I kinda get it from the pics, but flat white? Does it mean without a clear coat?
Yes u r all correct, Im a newbie and a foreign member
Matte, no gloss, no shine.
Google "Matte paint" if you need to know more
if done right is is a flat base with a semi-no gloss clear coat. if done the way the douche with the decent looking otherwise, VW, it is spray cans without any kind of clear. not doing yourself any favors by doing that either. but hopefully the OP plans on doing it the correct way. I mean if you are fixing rust and want it to actually stay away, you need an actual paint on it.
On the other hand....you have other fingers.

In my family we teach that boys have a God-stick and girls have a Shame Cave. -John Stewart
i love flat paint in any color...
See its satin not really flat and you need to make sure you lay it well. Look at the vw the hood and fender are hot the side with the doors should be redone. but that is pretty sweet.
The proper way of using the word seen. It is not I seen it that would be I saw it. He has seen the car is the right way to use the word. English class is Cool. By the way thats my sig