.....a bit close to the hatch don't you think?
WiGM-Tuners member.
That box isn't going anywhere lmao
It's secured no worries
eh... good job on ruining the cargo area?
you forgot to carpet it...
"Photos & Media Forum
A place to post photos, videos, and other media,
of j-bodies new and old. 'Photoshopped' photos, and requests for changes should go in the Image Manipulation forum, however."
Don't worry, I had a hard time grasping that concept as well
Well mr knowitall where the @!#$ am i supposed to put it then.. you know what, you @!#$in guys are dicks. theres a few on here i respect.. but holy @!#$, grow up, pull the panties out of your sweaty crack, and go get a girlfriend. That is all
common sense would tell you since its something other then a J body that the "other cars" forum would probably a good choice LOL
I was kind of thinking the same thing.
I just didn't want to make it too obvious for the OP.
yeah he didn't pick up on it when you pointed it out so I made it a little more obvious.
But since he cried I'll go back to the topic...... you know have a station wagon that can't be used as one, you should have actually finished the box while it was out of the car and empty, and your wiring is a mess.
Not Carpeted = Not Going To Looks, Just SPL
Wire Messy = No One see's it, don't care..
Answer your questions?
round 2 ...fight
atleast this lastest longer then the kimbo slice fight..lol
carry on....
"If you have no clue what's going on... STFU!"
they weren't questions, you asked for comments...
Ok, questions or comments.. i still answered them...
And the reasons behind my unfinished box, and messy wiring..
your wiring makes baby jeesus cry!, and a new car you should finish the damn box even if it's in carpet! i hate SPL for that reason alone, who cares if it's nice, as long as it "works" my god seriously trim the wires back a bit mount the distro block on the box, strap up the wires, hide the RCA's under the seat and it would look much better
watch for flying sparks!!!
why buy a nice car and ruin it by putting bunk crap in it?
stop being lazy, carpet the box and clean up the wiring.
i guess you have no pride?
and lmao, if you saw darkstars' girlfriend im sure you wouldn't be telling him to go find one.
your subs look like they are too close to the trunk liner, do they hit at loud volumes?
looks as cool as a bucket of aids...
ok all you guys need to relax, like he said it is just for spl mainly but he does use it as a daily thumper as well, it was just installed today and he hasnt decided where it will sit, the way it is or face the subs into the car, once that is settled I am sure he will black carpet it and hide every wire
here is a teaser video of it with the amp at 55% gain, and the box isnt even half finished yet, there is alot to do still but he was anxious to get it in
1. Those amps are pretty nice, good job on getting one.
2. Might want to look into subs facing up, and if you have the wood, time, and ambition, build a few boxes with the port facing up, back, and whatever way you have subs facing. But definitly try and up-firing box in that hatch back.
3. Keeping wiring neat and clean has always been very simple, and VERY important to me. Heck, in my own Cav I had the amps on the back of the seat between the sub box and seat, can never see them, but my wiring was clean as can be.
4. I understand being anxious to get things in, but finish a god damn project. Carpeting the box would cost about $10 and take about 30 minutes. And that's if you do it right, probably quicker if you do it how 90% of the people try and do it.
5. Megatron, I think it's cool that you are his friend and defend him, that is commendable. BUT, he said "I'm not going for looks, just spl... blah blah blah" So don't say it is unfinished for now, when he says him self "im too lazy to carpet it and take 5 minutes to make my wiring neat, i needed to hurry up and wake up the neighbors" or so that is how I read it.
6. I understand people wanting to be loud and compete and have fun with their stereo's, but didn't you just completely destroy the functionality of the 5 door hatch you JUST bought to replace your cav as your one and only DD? I don't get that....
7. Knowing what forum section to post in, is simple. It's a non-JBody car, it goes in "other cars" and getting all pissy at people for saying so, shows that C&C were actually NOT welcome, unlike you said. If they are welcome, when you get negative comments or criticism, don't cry and get defensive like a 10 year old fat kid getting made fun of in grade school. Grow up, shut up, stop whining, and deal with what people have to say when you post.
P.S. I am sure most of us either have established and long-term relationships, or otherwise CHOSE not to, or have NO problem getting one when we decide we want to.
cry baby.
On the other hand....you have other fingers.
In my family we teach that boys have a God-stick and girls have a Shame Cave. -John Stewart
i love when noobs say how far their gain is up..... i could have a eclipse with 8v preouts and would not have to turn my gain up
Stephen wrote:i love when noobs say how far their gain is up..... i could have a eclipse with 8v preouts and would not have to turn my gain up
you sir are an ass I am in NO way a noob and am probably older then you and have been doing car audio longer then you sucked on your momies tit, as for saying the gain is only at 55% for your info that means that it was installed and the gain was not set yet, as there is a hell of alot of gain left once he has decided what box he is gonna stay with and broke the subs in then the gain will matched and left there
JLaudiocavalier...I have always love reading your comments I think you and I would get along in real life, as for someof your comments, the reason why the box isnt carpeted is because why would he carpet it if that will not be the box that is staying in there, we will be trying other options as well