Here's a few pics from the last meet I went to. I'm only 3 weeks late getting the pics up!
Of course I'll throw an engine shot in
And the new project, currently half way done. This is how it started................
And this is how it will look.
I still have to make a new floor board and some other little things here and there, but I like it.
Car is for Sale!Supercharger kit is for sale!
I'll trade you intake manifolds straight up.
Sure I've got one sitting in the garage..............
Car is for Sale!Supercharger kit is for sale!
i demand more engine bay shots!
lmao, joe.
take some touch up paint the color of your car and use it on the the hood hinge bolts, looks like you took the hood off and you can tell.
beautiful car and beautiful pics!! what did you spray on the trunk floor? sound deadener of some sort?
Yea the hood hinge bolts and stuff will be addressed when the hood gets painted.
Thanks for the positive words, and yes its Duplicolor Sound Deadener. I sprayed the whole car a few years back.
Car is for Sale!Supercharger kit is for sale!
interesting... has it helped?
Yea it made some difference, I only put 2 coats down, Had I had the time, and the money to buy this stuff(8-9 bucks a can) I would have put probably 2 more coats.
Car is for Sale!Supercharger kit is for sale!
damn bobby, these pix are from back in the day!! lol
good looking pics man as always
RIP JESSE GERARD.....Youll always be in my thoughts and prayers...