Mmmmmmmmmmmmm I still love it!
whore, lol
Love your sedan, it's one of my few favorites on the site.
wow thats hot! love the selection for pic's too!
I know where thouse pics were takin...
In the spring i gotta get my cav down there for some pics.
yea i agree with them your sedan is pretty F$#@*%$ hot! Looks clean.
i love how you say "
hope you enjoy"
is there really any question we wont?
car is the beautifulest.
In the end, we're all just chalk lines on the concrete.. drawn only to be washed away.
glad you guys like'em!
if you can't tell, i'm lovin the new(ish) camera!!
I told the girlfriend she should idolize your car, she said she doesn't like hers, it made me sad.
Whatever though, because I @!#$ love yours.
I love your sedan....and I hate sedans!
GMR has got nothing on this
I really dig your car..I got to thinking today about your car and how I wouldn't mind a 4dr, as long as it ended up somewhat like yours!!!
Any other plans for the car, or are you mostly done?
NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO, now im just gonna go in the corner of my room and cry till spring comes
"still want to smash that like the fist of an angry god"
if that was in white and bronze wheels, i think i may die...
Aetsh wrote:
Any other plans for the car, or are you mostly done?
i'm still deciding on what route i want to go with the motor but there are more plans for the car. the exterior is pretty much done at this point. there's a few small odds and ends i'll probably do but i'm gonna start to focus more on the performance of the car.