Well today I finally put the car away for the winter. Before I put the car in my parents garage I decided to start on the winter projects
I finaly ordered some Buddy Club 2 sides about two/three weeks ago so those should be here soon. So in the mean time I took off the old drift sides man it was fun
as you can see there are chunks of fiberglass everywhere. Let me tell you they where molded in good
Any ways here are some pics
Since I have a lot of stuff going on with the car this winter I will use this thread to keep people updated instead of starting new threads
those wheels are ugly imo, but BC2 will make up for it.
FOR SALE: (5) '95-'99 Z24 Rims
I know 2 people that have the same rims as you, not bad looking, they are just a very weak metal(very thin), and of the 8 rims, 6 are slightly bent.
I hope it is their driving habits, I hope yours are better
I look forward to your progress
Well I love the rims
So far I have had the rims for 2 years with no problem
maybe they are just bad drivers that hunt down pot holes.
they sure look nice though.
Well here is a little update. Since I am not good with doing body work and my dad is, I decided to let him work on the car. He started with the front left fender cutting off the rivets. He said that tommorow he will tap the other half of the rivet out and then weld the holes
Hera are a couple pics
Damn, did you have to use a jackhammer to get them off?!
Progress looks good!
Well I have a few updates
Just purchased a new cluster overlay, I was trying to fix a short in the wiring and found out the cluster overlay stopped working
Also got some new buddy club 2 sides, finally a full buddy club 2 body kit. They have some trimming that needs to be done, hope to get that done on the weekend and then install them
Also figured I'd shoot a couple of pics of how the car sits
Also, next week the car will be bumper less as I will be sending them to Mark at CF-Tec to get the front lip and rear diffuser done in CF