I still have 2 sets of the Chrome 19's, however the set that I had on the Blue cav for 6 years need to be refinished. Chrome is in bad shape, couple of dents from the bad roads and rolling on 35series tires for years.
So the Good set is on the 02, I bought SNOW TIRES for my LS wheels on the 03 and I wanted a nice smooth riding wheel/tire combo to drive back and forth to work on while the weather is nice. So this is the Summer set of wheels for the daily, the snow tires will be going on shortly.
Wheels are 17" Konig Further with a 225/45/17 Contiental Tires which are Very quite on the road and handel rather well. 65,000miles tread warranty. I like em, need to post pics with tire shine as they look a lot better.
I like em, I think they go well with the CF and the Tint on the car.
Would look better 2" closer to the ground though!
Me likey, thats pretty nice if I do say so.
03 Sunfire - Sold.
I will eventually lower the car, more than likely after winter is over with. I want to do it right and make it last. I like the soft ride of the stock suspension, the car has 111,000+ miles so far and the stock struts are about due for replacement.
I think I will go with the Eiback Pros and I will ask Jay Van for some advice on the Struts, he has had A LOT of set ups. I wanna make sure it stills rides good for Daily Driving back and forth to work.
Thanks for the comments guys.
^^^ hey man, i think you should pick up a set of the new OEM front and rear strut mounts... without the spacers they lower the car about an inch all the way around, essentially being a 'body drop' and not changing the spring travel or strut movement. you could snag up a set of d-specs or yellows and just keep the stock springs. the ride should be close to stock in terms of comfort, but would definitely have a 'sportier' feel to it with the new mounts, lowered stance and of course the better struts would most definitely provide a better handling ability.
on the new wheels... not really a fan of em on the car, sorry.

BUT thats because it's had 19" hagens on it!!! lmao hard to compete with those!

failing to prepare is preparing to fail.
2002 Yellow Cavalier LS Sport
pro kit drop rides pretty nice on stock struts!
but i dig the wheels!
WiGM-Tuners member.
i know those apartments. are they right off 69? i forget the name of them but i think i know which ones they are. kinda by davison and the irish road exit?
oh damn they look alot alike. i came from lapeer but live in seattle now.