Hey guys, well figured I might make a post since I'm killing some time at school. I'm currently working on my fourth year mechanical engineering project - being a boosted cavalier owner, you can imagine my project has something to do with the car.
So lets begin... this is my car in it's natural state. Notice the car is still in ghetto no turbo, emissions passing mode
Okay, so this is gross it has to go.
This is the culprit, tight 90 degree bend right out of the turbo, not to mention its cut at an angle. This means huge backpressure, decreasing the efficiency of the entire system.
And this thing is just cramping my style

This is a bit more interesting...
Another shot
What are you up to Dave??
Final Product?
Runner lengths:
1 - 325mm
2 - 354mm
3 - 325mm
4 - 324mm
Stress safety factor against bending: 2.8
Stress safety factor on fillet welds: 12.1
Disregard pressure scale.
Downpipe simulation (Note that exit pressure held constant, backpressure is measured by the difference between exit and entrance pressure).
As far as I know, this is a first for an ecotec cavalier/sunfire, having the turbine exit facing the back of the car - so if I see anymore of these running around I know where you got the idea... and I'll find you...

My plan is to have it built by the end of spring, to complete the project. Then I plan on completely redoing my piping to make it look a bit more stock... but with a big ol' portfueler sitting at the front of the engine bay.

" To study and not think is a waste. To think and not study is dangerous. "
What About oil drain. and all the ruber hoses in that area. nice idea id like to hear your solution.
looks sweet
RIP JESSE GERARD.....Youll always be in my thoughts and prayers...
what about an air filter? i know from experience there is not much room there at all...
omfg you used header wrap.
its the end of the world.

If I can't be my own... I'd feel better dead.
I figured someone would ask about the filter. I won't have a problem, wait and see
As far as oil drain, the turbo is still above the oil pan I just need to make my line a bit shorter. The manifold, turbo and downpipe are all clear of hoses etc. The closest is the heater coolant line, and it is within a safe distance. The picture with the turbo sitting there is a bit closer to the hose than it will be when it's finished.

" To study and not think is a waste. To think and not study is dangerous. "
Is that a block heater going into the back side of your block?
Yeah, I've never used it though. It can be bent (I moved it for the last turbo location, so its getting moved back)...

" To study and not think is a waste. To think and not study is dangerous. "
Punkerest wrote:SolidWorks?
thats what it look like to me
O/P: where you goin to school?
Nice, will be realy cool to see when done.
Is that flex tubing welded to your dp?? lol
u know u can unbolt the block heater and remove it from the block.
Looks like a well designed piece. I'd like to see some before/after numbers, should see some nics gains after it's retuned.
1997 Sunfire SE
Jesus just when I thought your car couldnt get any sexier..... lovin it.
decent model.....
i think you will have clearance issues when everything is down there though.
Dave I see you are using your skills learned from the University of Waterloo. Good @!#$. I would also agree that it is SolidWorks as it is very similar looking to a program I had to
learn in my first year of Engineering at McMaster, oh Solid Edge. Looks great Dave. Keep us updated.