hahahhahahaha love the chevy emblem in the srt-4 rim.

And I should've been drown in the rivers I've found in token lost...
OOOooolalala six bolt four bolt 1g dsm. Good taste!
CLC wrote:02 redbadged (now premium) wrote:drop that ish!
before the turbo...
After the turbo, Overkill strut hats and eibach prokit.
K. Vega..Mr. M62 L61 himself. wrote:OOOooolalala six bolt four bolt 1g dsm. Good taste!
Yes, very nice. traded it yesterday for a blue GST with a bunch of goodies!!!
Damn wish I could have gotten my hands on the TSI....the GST seems like a trade down to me....don't care about the goodies.
Think the RS badge should go away
Vitamin E (AKA Eddie) wrote:Think the RS badge should go away
It is!
When I put the car in primer(black), the badge is going away, same with the door strike. I'm also adding z24 sides, ls sport rear, 02 z24 front end with the WW lip. Ohh and tint.
Car will be droped, turbo and looking a lot better.
Mods on the 1G?
The cavalier looks nice but the DSM has to go, they suck!

1996 Chevrolet Cavalier "Its Far Away From a Stock Cavalier"
what does a "WW " look like?