I'm 90% done with this, just need to make it pretty now...

Yep that's a 4" intake

This is a picture of the first adapter I did, it gives you an idea of how I made the IAC functional. I ended up redoing the adapter because I wanted thicker plates so it would seal better.
I hope this makes a little more power
12.770 @ 111.99 Intercooled Eaton M62
Ooops, here's a picture of the first adapter I made where you can see the IAC setup:
12.770 @ 111.99 Intercooled Eaton M62
Nice fab work, very very nicely done sir.
That intake is a monster too.
I want to see the huge hole you cut to fit it.
So what does this do different Jon? TB is that?? Is it a stock one that is modified or a totally new one? That intake tube is HUGE!!!!
Can I ask what the point is from running a 4" intake when the adapter right after the TB is only 3"??
Other than that it looks great,
I can say from experience with the LSJ that the stock TB's are too small for the chargers. I swapped mine on the redline for a LS4 TB and it is literally night and day difference
CLC - It's a fairly large hole, if I remember when I take the intake pipe out to finish it off I'll snap a pic. Basically it goes from the apron all the way to the frame rail. It was tricky getting the intake piping to fit especially with the stock washer reservoir but it fits
James - The intake is a completely different one off a LS engine, I think this one came off a truck. It's the same size as the LS1 TB which is 75mm IIRC. The stock intake is only 56mm which is too small for my setup and was probably a bad restriction. Hopefully I'll see a nice power gain from this.
Ryze- I ran the 4" intake because the TB is 3" at the butterfly but the housing for the TB is actually 4", I just continued that vs getting a reducer back down to 3" which seemed silly to do. It might help, it might not... certainly can't hurt anything and it's different.
12.770 @ 111.99 Intercooled Eaton M62
Thats effin sweet man... mad props to you bro...
Now u can swallow babies!!!!
Ummm.....HOTNESS!!! Very good idea. Don't you think 4" might be a bit overkill? jk. Best of luck.
4 Cams...32 Valves...5 Liters...This Could Get Fun!
very very nice! i so want some more vids of this thing! dyno and track vids!!!!
sweet stuff jon. I dunno about you, but it's supposed to be 60 here thursday
When are we going to Monkey Wrench?
- 93 mph in the 1/8 mile
Member of J-Body Of Michigan.
Some other changes need to happen before the dyno but it will be at monkey wrench sometime early in the season. I also hope to put the car on the dyno at the bash so long as I can secure a spot
12.770 @ 111.99 Intercooled Eaton M62